x-mas presents
2 Dec 2009, 08:42
so i guess 99% of the crossies are living with their parents.. and if not np:
what do u buy them for x-mas ?
i have nooo fucking clue.
My grandmother + grandfather will be there too and i bought for them some media center (its a hdd which can record tv stuff,play them , and u can put movies on it via usb or lan etc.. 500gb with alot of stuff on it already :) ).
thought about a tomtom-car-dock for my fathers iPhone.
for my uncle i thought about a.... no clue :(
what do u buy them for x-mas ?
i have nooo fucking clue.
My grandmother + grandfather will be there too and i bought for them some media center (its a hdd which can record tv stuff,play them , and u can put movies on it via usb or lan etc.. 500gb with alot of stuff on it already :) ).
thought about a tomtom-car-dock for my fathers iPhone.
for my uncle i thought about a.... no clue :(
gn8 now
two books that are suited to be read by mums in my opinion:
the book thief by Markus Zusak (die Bücherdiebin in german)
three bags full by Leonie Swann (Glennkill in german)
dad: jumper
and i dont buy for aunties and uncles
yes im tight
well what is your uncle up to? what price grade were you thinking of? maybe you can buy him some accesoires for his PC/laptop/TV/iPod or w/e he uses...
BTW: Choclate = the finishing touch of x-mas ;D
shoutout : keNta
The History of Love by Nicole Krauss will do for any female family member.
Brothers Karamazov by Doestoyevsky should do the trick for any male family member.
For my dad i got a keychain , with best dad
For my mam a kind of thealights with best mam on
for my opa a pen with Best Opa on
and last but not least for my oma also a kind of thealight with you are my angel on.
you can find it lame, but i just repsect those people.
[dutch] ik heb nog zo een koffietassen gekocht met beste opa/oma enzo erop :D[/dutch]
I remember my grandmother called me up because her sound was fucked up, so I went over to her house and the problem was her volume was turned down all the way. Apparently I'm computer expert for realizing her volume was turned down.
So gl with your grandparents media shit
Problem solved!