Not far from Enschede lives...

THIS woman suffers from a mysterious disorder which turns her into a sex addict — when she is ASLEEP.

Stunning Belle Floor is a Sexsomniac — meaning she engages in sexual acts while she is sleeping — and cannot remember ANYTHING the next day.

Her condition means she is too afraid to let boyfriends stay over in case she embarrasses herself at night.

Belle, 32, from Almelo, Holland, set up her own support website six years ago after doctors failed to work out what was wrong with the pretty blonde.
Well I know in which bed Toss is going to sleep :D
That's not a disorder!
nice indeed
very normal, my grandma has it too
you've still nightmares? ahhww:(
almelo stinks¬¬
They better set up a camera to thoroughly study the problem.
the sun - serious business.
shes a dog anyway

just wondering if thats the same excuse for essex girls?

Can see this journal turning into something full of people going 'awesome, nice, i'm going to go find her' but they've probably never had sex in their lives and probably wouldn't have a clue what to do if that sleeping woman came onto them :_______________D
says the Sexual Harassment Panda.
how can a sleeping woman come onto you!!??! omg sleeping woman is amazing
I'd tap that
Panda's reply fits to you
Quoteu dont have her phone number or email by any chance ?
Damn Tosspot, you're a Sun reader!!! I'm really dissappointed in you!! Thought you had more class and intelligence then that!!
Now that's a slag in denial.
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