After Electric Massage

Wednesday the 2nd december, 2009

i had a Footballgame and i was getting injured hard, nearly a Broken Leg and my spine shifted.
Yesterday i went to the Doctor he said me ive to take 10 electronic massage, 1 massage takes 10 minutes.

Looks Like that:
image: therapie_elektro_2

Today i had my First Massage after 10 minutes my Back looks like a Squidvictim :X

image: sdc10004limage: sdc10005rj

Its Like a Girls is Sucking any Body part of you :) and after that sucking she pinches
into that Sucked position Not that cool...

Very Very Hard :<
sad story bro, hope you get better soon
thx i hope it also ;D
"Its Like a Girls is Sucking any Body part of you :)"

Put in on you're ..... ?
"injured hard, nerly broken leg"

what a pitty
that SUCKS
Gain some weight lol!
i dont wanna be feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed ?
pull up those pants
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