impending death of Enemy Territory?

Is Enemy Territory now really dead? But this time really dead? Will we remember 03.12.2009. as the day ET got a brain cancer and rapidly started to deteriorate?
Yesterdays announcement that Clanbase is forcing 5on5 format and ditching 6on6 came as a shock to many but you could have forseen it during last few weeks.
Undoubtedly TosspoT helped ET in a lot of occasions but his decision to make the CIC7 in 5on5 format has killed ET, mark my words, you will see ET dead in a few months, not the kind of dead that we've been reading on cf and a lot of other places since 2005, but the kind of dead that the handfull of people that love the game will start to lose their interest in the game because the game will start to get (even more) boring and the impending death of ET will follow.

First, I somewhat understand why the 5on5 format was chosen for the LAN but I somehow have the feeling that it's not entirely for the reason we may think about, which is to save ET. The bigger and more important reason, as it seems to me, is to ease the organization of the LAN; one player less per team means 1 PC less, which means they now need 10 PC-s instead of 12 which eases the setup and probably helps the horrible schedule keeping that was a characteristic of previous LANs. One player less also means one possible idiot less that will prolongue the torture of setting his PC and settings up to his wishes and when you see that it's 2 teams that play means 2 idiots less.

Secondly, I also somewhat understand why CB might want to switch over to 5on5 format; in their eyes one player less per team means more stability, less inactivity, more teams and more important, more good teams but this can be a sword with two blades and I think the blade that will prevail is the one that's going to cut them, and cut them bad.
Now, when you actually take a look who's in the CB crew atm, it all makes more sense;
* you have Anaconda there who helps organizing the LAN and would also prefer 5on5 but I don't think his influence was important in this decision and he's a nice guy so I'll leave him alone.
* you have mundus there who's a complete idiot and I wouldn't let him admin my sock drawer but I don't know how active he is or how important his opinion is so I'll leave him alone also
* you have Goldorak there who's...well I have no idea who the fuck he is actually but I think I remember him from RTCW so I'll leave him alone since I don't know a lot about him
* you have Rayzed there who's...well again I have no idea whatsoever who the fuck he is so I'll leave him alone
* and finally, you have the self-proclaimed saviour of ET, the cheatbuster who got his cheatbusting reputation by copy/pasting already busted people's details from pbbans, an admin that gets his wins by forfeit for too old and wrong pbguids and THEN plays an OC match with a guy that has a wrong pbguid(irony anyone?), an admin that no-one takes seriously and acts like a kid whenever he gets the chance to, an admin that values other people's opinions as much as other people value his integrity....I could go on but I think we all know there's no need to.

This crew decided to enforce the 5on5 format and to get rid of 6on6 because it will "help the activity and solve the problem of splitting the scene".
You might wonder why do I dislike 5on5 so much, let me tell you why;
Nothing will change regarding the activity, teams that struggled getting 6th will soon strugle getting 5th, teams that had a nice stable team of 6 players now have to tell one to fuck off, ladders won't go superactive because the teams that weren't that interested in playing offis on ladders won't get interested all of a sudden, there won't be a huge boost in the number of teams just because teams have to sod off one player, we will just end up in less players interested in playing.
A lot will change in the gameplay, spam might be reduced(a thing that some players worship so much that you could think they'd start a new religion around LESS SPAM) but it will make the game either much faster or much slower, and now the gap between aimers and brainers will get bigger and the teams with less aim but better organization and tax will no longer have as much chance of beating a team that has better aim, let me give you an example: a lot of teams, when attacking supply 1st stage usually have 2 engis, 3 or 4 meds and/or a panzer, now one of those players will have to be dropped, if you drop a panzer your opponent has more chance of being unannoyed when defending or more chance of defusing when you plant, if you drop the 2nd eng you're lowering your chances of planting the gate, if you drop one medic you're more open to enemy shooting you down without proper response, less revives will lead to a worse attack, meanwhile the opponent will most probably drop 2nd fieldop or 2nd eng which means much less to then at that stage than one class less to the attackers, they can still maintain a decent level of spam towards the attackers while the attackers have less oportunity to spam the defenders, if you want another example take the attack for the depot gates, axis can still spam the oncoming allies but now the allies have less chance to annoy the axis with a field op because, let's face it, you NEED that extra medic and you NEED that extra eng and that applies to all maps.

ET is all about balance and this now changes the balance of spam in the game and that will kill the gameplay as we know it now in 6on6, now it will be mostly in the favour of the defending team and that is the reason ET will die with 5on5 sooner than it would if it remain 6on6, the way ET is played now is perfectly suitable for 6on6 and no other format suits it, not 5on5 nor 7on7.

Now, when a drastical move or a radical cut like this is planned, you'd think the community would be asked right? Well it didn't, it was all decided in a closed room with a round table on which a saviour sat and cried. Not surprised seeing who is in charge nowadays, are you?
way 2 mutch :<
mundus hasn't been online for months & you forgot immi, anything else you wanted to say?and we are not closing 6on6, it will be a 5on5/6on6 ladder and in 3 months it will be 5on5 only.

and your description of 5on5 has so many flaws i won't even try explaining it to you cos i would need to correct everything you wrote. just wait and see, 03.12.2009 the day somebody stood up for ET, and i guess the fact that most top teams and highskillers agree that 5on5 is the way to go, oh but wait, you surely must have a conspiracy about it aswell!
I have said all I wanted to say, I don't visit xfire much, or do not log in rather, but when I heard yesterday what is going on I had to write my opinion, mundus is still an idiot, online or offline
delaying something to happen doesn't mean it won't happen and you are a joke
just wait and see, saved the journal so we'll see who is the joke in the end.

but you already created multiple accounts just to post this, maybe you can tell us your identity.
"I dont visit xfire much" - well maybe u should, so you will see that stuff like this wont make ET die .. :P
he is lying, he visits crossfire everyday, unless somebody is telling him what happens on crossfire everyday.
Quotemost top teams and highskillers

who cares about them, it's the "lower" teams that keep it alive
quite strange, cos "lower teams" are killing ET also, i mean i doubt you will find more than 5 "top teams" on the CB Banlist, and i think we all agree that cheating is one factor that is killing ET.
Quotei doubt you will find more than 5 "top teams"


but just to go with the flow; mm, ecw, sublime, bv, glitz, edit, yyt, asd, celsus, tag, xt6 - all have players that have been or are currently banned
who is that one faggot in tag????
they didn't cheat when they were playing at high level, they cheated with the so called low teams
with the exception of we-know-who right? but still, say, motif, metsuri, dabster(?) and some others weren't really playing in low teams when they got banned

but still, who cares what the "highskilled" teams think, half of them are egocentric fucks that feed on praise and crave for attention, and they smell bad
motif cheated when playing with a lowskileld team, the ban when playing with a top team was for returning while banned 1 year before, and when he cheated again this year, he was cless and playing random 3on3s, metsuri = bimbot cvar he had in his old et backup he saved (this cvar was detected for 2 years just in case you think he cheated during ec) and dabsters kick was caused by chaplja's moviemaking tool.
doesn't change the fact they were all banned, and didn't motif cheat recently?
[PBBans:2667 08.02.2009] 8dc5fd658d14c3e9f6bef36e56a03ab0 "MOTIF ALWAYS A HACKER HAHAHA" "" "MULTIHACK 70734"

February, and he wasn't playing with any clan, and if he was, it wasn't a high skilled team for sure, he got kicked from the CC6 team in ~december
Sleeperz only clean clan, EC XX is ours, thx !
CLEAN, like you guys ever wash..
So ye thousands of players are on lowskill level you'd expect there to be a lil more cheaters then the 50 highskilled players who wouldn't even cheat because it could ruin their precious reputation and chance for another golden pocal.
41% of ET accounts on cb are banned, that's almost half, sure they can save ET, but almost less than half are killing it.
Whats important is the % that actively cheats and the ones that use pubhax maybe once.

Sure they may be banned but using nexus for 5 min isn't something id say is killing ET.
5on5 is the way to go! Maps are just getting too crowded and spam'able now that people mastered the art of spamming 24/7.
why not go for 4on4? even less crowded!
haha no way man, im not gonna read this
uhhhm maybe you should post a column instead of a journal :]=
man, get a life 8D
agreed :D
i got the most of what he was saying by scrolling down fast and reading some keywords :D
Another useless, pointless "Et is dead" brag made by a noob who never achieved anything in this game. Just face it, it isn't going to be dead for a long time and you will not have the chance to say your grandchildren that "I were there when it all came down".
You fucking noobs.
When they still played ET at Quakecon the format used to be 5on5 as well and those games were rather exciting as well.

Too long to read and it's plain complaining anyway..

Get used to it even though you can't handle that they change the regular play.
Conservatism is a bad bad thing. Gogo ET.

Btw think about this
image: pessimism-murphys-law-restated-demotivational-poster-1255717014
image: inspire-risks
(easier to post pictures then to insult you and say why)
same whine as the first time et went to 5on5.
yea,lets change the way we play it because we dont have enough space at some lan
nice bad read
Hmm I've tried to write some comments but I just cant find a decent one, so ill just leave it with;

Lol, thanks for wasting your time, ET wont die :p
tl;dr version:

Quote6on6>5on5 & ET = death

There you have it
if (5on5 > 6on6) et=death;
that returns false each time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So ET isn't dead yet!
what happened?:o
cool story bro
diablos is that you? :D

to quote antalis:
(antalis) wall of text

5on5 = shit, said enough
generally agree but expected you to be a registered for 0 days busted cheater with something against killerboy before i checked your profile

edit: make a column
ull get used to 5v5
too much to read
I like 5on5. I'm pretty sure you will get used to it. Every change in this community comes with massive whine on how it's killing the game. The only thing I don't like about the format is that the people I would play with have too many players most of the time :p

You also make little sense, 5on5 is waaaaay less spamy then 6on6. I agree that it's harder to do a split attack on some situations, but axis have one less to defend and spam aswell. Getting 1 guy on full would actually mean more than when playing 6on6.

I do fear that the rifle and mines might get overpowered.
mark his words

image: end_is_nigh
after all a better read then the most articles and columns posted recently :)
imo its best way to make et more professional game ;d 5o5 less spam and more exciting matches imo ;d
I read the whole story;))

Totally disagree 5o5 format is quite good things

-easier to make team
-easier to play
-more teams
-more teams at lan


-new maps cause they are adapted to 6o6
-new maps cause they are adapted to 6o6

What about 3o3?:D

inb4 didnt read gif
image: dokuro-chan_laugh

On a side note.. tl;dr
Im excited.. less spam and more calm aiming like in 3o3's. :)
+ fucking 1337
yes, in 6on6 there is no real aim sometimes, just need few hits and you are done because other teammates hitting aswell.. so its all about dmg after all...
QuoteET is all about balance and this now changes the balance of spam in the game and that will kill the gameplay as we know it now in 6on6, now it will be mostly in the favour of the defending team

I disagree, forcing the game to be played in 5o5 will result in less spam, but not in favor of the defending team. The way I see it most teams will drop the 2nd fop and will defend with 3 meds, rifle and a fop. I could be wrong though, I only played 1 5v5 prac so far :P
The problem that will kill ET is that people who dont like things dont do anything about it. You could do something about it, but you dont.
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