Hosted Cup

I'm going to host a Hosted Cup on CB, to make something like a small opencup: "ET SW Winter 2009"

It will obviously be 5on5, the difference in this cup is that it is not an official ClanBase Cup (it has nothing to do with OpenCup) so i came up with the idea of hosting it.

The advantage is we can also test and use new rules in it, example no punkbuster when both teams agree, no gv, wildcard rule fixed, guid system, anything, any rule you ever dreamed of can become true in this cup!

So apart from your rules i also want a maplist of six, and most of these six maps must contain a new or old map, so don't give me gold,radar,delivery,bremen all together. Remember in this cup we want to try new stuff, so don't be afraid to try new/old maps, we need to find the best maps for 5on5!

we all know supply & goldrush will work in 5on5, so keep them out

maplist example would be: et_ice,haemar,delivery,bremen,<eiM's top secret map>
I bet your team will get the easiest group and lots of forfeit wins.
i doubt we will play anymore

and i'm thinking of making playoffs only with double elimination (just like summer 09 system) less noshows & dropouts
4-teams groups is a better idea.
hmm, that would mean only 1 team passes to playoffs, but since it's a hosted cup i guess i don't need to follow that rule anymore, so that should be more awesome :p
ice frost radar grush supply bremen
no grush & supply please, we all know those should work pefectly in 5on5 ;)

doesnt mean they will
but Intel's cup is already covering gold + supply atm so we don't need to atm
you need a couple of well known reliable maps otherwise your whole cup is going to be bullshit and majorly lotto based
not saying they won't be in teh cup, i just don't want them mentioned as those 2 will be in, if we don't name those 2 i can always see +2 extra possible maps
try beach/caen/venice, good old .55 public maps
u could make mappol including some oldsql maps like:

siwa oasis, fueldump, radar...

also, punkbuster must be on, it dont warp ffs.
punkbuster ?

antipro, we will see if antipro is stable.
if antipro is ready we can obviously use it, i ask him everyday so don't worry.

maybe we can try a new anti-cheat like UAC2
let's use it !
really nice idea :)

- sw_goldrush_te
- supply depot
- radar
- haemar (NEW)
- et_ice / oasis
- bremen_b2
nice idea :D
goldrush, supply, frost_comp, karsiah, sw_oasis, missile_b3

like in "lio and mesq" fragmovie at the start. (with Mashed shoutcasting)
you don't remember it?

it's the first map in lio + mesq frag movie.
i remember watching the fragmovie, but totally forgot how the map looks like tbh
want me to upload it on rapidshare or something?
found it on ftp thingy
it's a fun map. a bit complex but it does the job!
swap supply + grush with tcbase and haemar since you dont want to see those maps.
Why do you want supply , grush in?
radar + et_ice + dubrovnik + frostbite
nice idea, my team will surely take part of this.

- sw_goldrush_te
- Falkenstein_sw
- radar
- haemar (NEW)
- oasis
- bremen_b2
radar, ice, frost, adler & bremen/delivery/oasis/caen/venice
caen -.- lol
beach would be great in 5v5 ; same for ice
ice, haemar, falkenstein, frost_comp, dubrovinik
fuck you mongol , you and your shit ideas

6 old/different maps.

Railgun is good suited for 5on5.
eww railfun :D
yes why not, its not bad at all.
without fog and snow + make forward spawn for axis near the trainyeard, also make the train unable to move back = fast map with fights for depot yard mostly. But if thats not possible than just play oldschool railgun.
no crossfire points = problem. allies (defending team) has to chase the cart wherever it is. you cant just set up a defense @ flag
no crossfire points makes it something else than other maps. Thats why its nice to play, its something else in my opion. Also you can choose to defend track switch chase the train or try to get depot yard.

Also i remember summercups in 2005 or 2006 dont remember that allmost had 4 new maps in it. And thats the cup i mostly enjoyed. I think even there should be 3 other maps each season than previous one to keep the game refreshing and enjoyable.
- reactor
- crevasse
- eim's map
- tc_base/frostbite
- bremen
- radar
- tc_base <3
- et_ice
- haemar
- eim's map
- delivery
- crevasse (let's try the map again, liked it back in the days)

let's create some new poll (doesn't have to be on cf) where you set up like 15 maps or so you consider for "okay" for your cup and after some time you pick the ones with the most overall percent (votings).
+1 tc base
never played haemar, g4y name though :-(
+1 @ g4y name
grush supply radar frostbite delivery venice

venice is actually a pretty decent map, always loved playing it on 2.55, not sure if its good for competition but i got a good feeling :P

dont really think we should try out too many new things mapwise, a good mappool of known + maybe 1 'newer' map is prolly better than like 3 maps that are just created and anyone barely has played in the past since teams can pracc better for those known maps in 5o5 which might be new to many aswell..

also, i dont think tosspot is gonna put some ultranew map into his pool, more like the old and known ones, and i guess those following cups are also in preparation to cic7? :p
MML Minas Tirith first playable3, 1944_Antwerp_B3, MLB Hotchkiss final, Daybreak final, TC Base

And no @ gaymar and eim's new map. We don't need no fuckin new maps, we need stable and active teams!
have the first 3/4 ever been tested in some cup or smth?
no, they're just awesome pubmaps and are in no way related to my last remark.
base12, et_ice, bremen, karsiah etc etc
hope its gonna be antipro used :)
hahaha :D
yeah it's a joke. they're just looking for an excuse to kick my team out because we're so imbalanced compared to the rest of the teams.
Dont use all new maps. Keep it like 50/50. so we can see it as a good prac for lan/future events/
6on6 or 5on5 - still radar is the best, so please, RADAR ON BOARD!
dubrovnik should works perfectly @ 5on5
afaik frost_comp_b4 was tested for some cdc and it seemed fine
other maps worth mentioning:
- raw_te
- haemar
- village
sos missile delivery dubrovnik radar reactor_final

take your pick

e: make it playoff double elim, similar to sc!
lets play some jaymod maps
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