Porn and you

image: RJjap

yup, its offical.
search in africa, they dont have tv/pc
yea and that's why rape is rampant over there.
you speak from experience it seems
My experience of being in Africa? No i've never been to Africa.
you have to search where ppl have no internet
once you wanked to internet porn there is no way back to other things
fuck, shut it. i am searching for a way outta here...
there is none. so stop and enjoy;)
I have nothing else to say but: IT'S TRUE
02:02, *****: Yeah it's all about the wank
02:03, unblind : : DD
02:03, unblind : is this pre wank
02:03, unblind : post wank
02:03, unblind : or during
gief more news
That's kinda sad tbh. Just tells something about this society. :( Thank God you can get free from that dirt too! :)
Whats so dirty about porn?
It's adultery, both for the actors and viewers. :(
lol you fucking pussy
sad ? yeah,fact that children dont fuck since they are 11 is sad,yeah..
haha bullshit
I mean how hard can it be to find young men who have never seen porn??!? But I guess they only wanted people who speak english/french...
it cant be easy to find such men in countries,where everybody have access to internet/tv/porn paper
Exactly! So why they don't look in these so called Third World Countries or in the middle of the Amazon... They were meant to be doing a scientific examination so I don't understand why they would conclude that because several hundred million people watch porn, that EVERYONE watches porn. They should get their act together if they fancy calling themselves "scientists".
well,dunno what they were trying to get. if it was "speed of searching on google - how it depends on porn" then they couldnt do it :D
I'm watching some right now!
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