what to eat

too much Jägermeister. What should i eat so i dont upset my stomach more!

E: 1st time loaded ableton on my new 22' and its amazing!
Tea and toast, unless you have sausages/rashers/eggs.
Whats a rasher? I got eggs, i just whink that would be too heavy and it would upset my stomach
i dont have the big sausages or bacon either
HF essexboii
I reccomend going to your local Mcdonald's and getting a bacon mcmuffin/double sausage and egg mcmuffin or something, or just cook yourself anything greasy :)
We dont have that in McD's in Slovenia :< But ill go later (when everything stops spinning and i watch the 10th abomination of the stargate (universe) series)
Get pizza from local ähläm and also buy Battery stripped.
hyi vittu stripped :S :S :<
have a joint and make some toast!
vse skuru ucer, diler spi, ne da se mi spet toast žret :<
loh bi mev ve&#269; kot enga dilerja :)
pa&#269;. usi spijo kle around, ne mislm se pa okol po Lj vozt in morit usm k jih poznam ce loh kej zrihtajo =)
Cottage cheese + bread works for me usually but IN SMALL AMOUNTS, once I ate two boxes instead of one and spent some time vomiting it all into the depths of mah ol' trusty toilet.
i like my toilet!
go for 2 boxes then!
i eat Pizza now !! yesterday to much Vodka O ;D
orange juice
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