network failure

My problem is that my network card in my pc is obviously not working correctly.

I got a 12 mb connection and 1 mb upload. But it is very strange because sometimes I can get 8mb, then sometimes around 4-5mb and then sometimes less the 1mb.

So I did spend some time figuring out if it was my pc or smt with the cables. And since I tryed to change the cable, and did let my laptop and backup pc try a speedtest aswell, they both had 12mb and this one still has 4-5 with the new cable. So it must be my network card.

I checked the settings aswell for the card and they are all setup correctly, I even tryed to change some of them to see if that would help.

Well, if ANYONE knows what I can do to fix it, please help me because it's very annoying, I can tell that the network card is a NVIDIA nForce Networking Controller which is onboard the mainboard

Anyone who knows how to solve this? Anyways thanks in advantage.
Depending of what, where and from who you dl, your speed might vary :p
thats atleast 100mbit networking card, if it was broken i didnt work anyway. I think its driver error/user error How long is the cable? What is the quality of cable? Is it near any power cables( together in the wall for example)? Did you put the RJ45 connectors on it yourself?
QuoteNVIDIA nForce Networking Controller which is onboard the mainboard

there is your prob.. onboard :>>>
call ur isp, let them check the lines
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