what is your secret...

what is your secret to hit "correctly" with a laser mouse on ET? I make high dg when I'm playing but I don't make a lots of headshot. I already watched many demos to see what I had to change but my conclusion is that it's better to play with an optical mouse...
I just wanted to know if some players could give me some tips to make more headshots!

only rape and lean at corners
my secret is that I play like 10 hours a day, so I can be low+ skill :)
aim is muscles with a touch of motor activity from your brain to active your muscles right.
have millions of good motor and sensory neurons
that's not the question... I only need some settings like m_pitch, accelfix ON or OFF etc
To get a feeling wich looks like an optical mouse when I play ET
drink very much alcohol and your going to pwn!
today i was hungover like fuck, felt really bad and played better then my usual on et and cod4. before we started i already warned my teammates i was going to be bad because i just didn't feel good, ended out carrying :):):):):):)::):))
cool story bro :)
It's the key to success :):)
cannot copy that...but hey sober it doesnt work either :<
play hard, go pro (c) Sample
connection > *
. I only need some settings like m_pitch, accelfix ON or OFF etc
To get a feeling wich looks like an optical mouse when I play ET
Why did u put a "." infront of the "I" ?
Thats some weird shit you got there.
Its weird that you noticed the weird shit i've got here, isn't it ?
Quotethat's not the question... I only need some settings like m_pitch, accelfix ON or OFF etc
To get a feeling wich looks like an optical mouse when I play ET

you are not going to be sherlock :)
use ETbot.
join #Invictus.et chan u will get skillbost.
high monitor refresh rate
low dpi
accel off
several mouse reg fixes
hand eye teamwork
I don't play ET
cg_Crosshairy 2

makes the crosshair lower so when u aim at body you hit head!
This command is good for delivery or b4... very useless on radar or bremen
i thought this was a RL journal but then i realized this is cf, it just isn't possible!
ask Germany gr0ss :D
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