do u feel....

...offended when someone is talking about something..what u maybe sampled or it happened to u?
(e.g. hey some of those girls are fat. would u feel offended, even if u r fat?????????!)

yesterday there was a nice discussion with evelyin (related to
- too bad someone (I DUNNO) deleted all the replies!

eve would prolly answer with yes if she would be serious.

so tell me your opinion, your acting.

and eve once more it isnt against u but u always react on stuff like this. u like to flame imo thats why u always start defending urself.

greeetz2 goes out to flo <3, michael and my buddies <3 and alexL ofc :)
parzi, noor, wsk, midas, .ee ftw!

random song:

image: 090319amanda_blank


chubbyfat xD
sometimes i offended when someone talks about something but if im being sampled its all fine
no greets to me...titz or gtfo
phhh. edit to the edit! done ;)
No, only people with bad self-esteem would feel offended and that's a fact.
german in topic, delete pls.
cmon! i'll treat u bad..... ;)
ok, u convinced me ;)
Yes, if it was something that isn´t anybodys else business to know or talk about.
i agree!

but what if this persons makes it to everyones business.? its his/her own fault!
Well then it is a different thing, but if for example I have talked something with you privatelly and then you go blabber around it = not right.
evelyn is just a whiny lil girl who is a bitch towards anyone who doesn't talk right about her, and she trys so hard to fake that she never gets offended while inside she is so broken
try to see it more general. this journal isnt about evelynn but she gave some good replies so i was thining once more about trating/offending/spam/flame,self-esteem and so on
but still it might be true. :-P
I do'nt think she's that "lil"!
made me smile
If it's just random talk, why should I feel offended!? Imagine you'd be offended by everything someone says just because something like that might have happened to you or you look a certain way or w/e... that must be quite exhausting for you and for your fellow men.

Oh and: Moooorning! :) Im gna get some coffee... om nom nom nom :D
Haj schnee <3 :*
How can you feel offended by facts?
do you have access to that pic we made about evilynn. i think now would be an appropriate to drop that shit!
ooh wait that was tats lol i get them confused. i still need to have a coffee. my sincerer apologies my dear boy
lol. best pic was qpad-guy's asscrack in front of the window
that was pretty lol though the ones of reload spraying vomit everywhere were also priceless!
did we take a pic of that? I didn't
im sure someone did but there all in my head. he just had that meat feast that someone didn't eat at the Greek, was the mega lols
what you talking about you crazy negro!
im asking the ones who feel offended.... some do!
you mean the unrealistic ones that know they are fat but also have a low selfesteem so that if anyone ever mentions they are fat they go berzerk about it?
example please
example pls
Doesn't need an example. This applies to anyone that feels offended about pics like the one in the journal you mentioned in your post.
bingo. you win'!
Thank you so much!


Oh my gosh... I didn't expect to recieve this.. I haven't prepared any speech so I'll just send greetings for my mom, sister all other relatives.

Will I have cookies? Even one, please.
nope. no cookies today. sorry!
ask religious people..
QuoteHow can you feel offended by facts?

Of course you can feel offended by facts, saying such a thing is just idiotic (don't take offence, it's a fact).
Nah, it's idiotic if you get offended by facts. If you are 150kg and you get offended by someone telling you you are fat, then you simply need a reality check.

Sure, there is a difference if someone said "damn, you're an ugly nasty fat fucker". But then the ugly, nast, fucker parts would be offensive.
Could it also not be a fact that someone is a "ugly nasty fat fucker"?
Ugly and fat could be physical facts. Nasty might also be a physical fact if he/she doesn't shower much, but fucker is saying something about someone's character instead of their appearance. And without knowing that persons character, the word fucker is simply an insult.

On a sidenote. If someone is fat and get's confronted with it, be it due to someone saying that they are fat or someone posting a pic that makes fun of fat people, then it's usually not that they are offended, but more so embarrassed.
You just said your opinion not facts. There are no facts in your comment
true, and I'm not offended.
being offended by idiots is pointless.
but still some dont get it... .;)
that's because there idiots and therefore cannot escape the cycle of idiocy
sentence of the day.

u r the winner! make it bold pls so the idiots can read it.. ^^
im to much of an idiot to use markup tags :(
idiots dont know that they are idiots. i prefer the word muggins.
good morning!

eh, serious topic. Dunno, I think I'd go for "no it doesnt offend me".

The thing is, if u are easily offended by things (I was when I was younger) people might start using it for their advantage and make you mad just for the fun of it.
ur not offended cuz most of the time ure not gettin it anyway :D nihihihihi
mwahaha.. morning :D
Mmmmnng (eating chocolate croissant ":D")
no can do, ate it all.
haha, sacrebleu, can't remember the last time I read/heard that somewhere.
cpr "introduced" it to our vent, most used term in 2009 :D
No lol, I'm perfect!
no doubts :)
Probably not ( hi btw ;) )
hey ;) i missed ur bday! gratz ....
Pretty much depends if it's something you're insecure about. Weight/body don't really bother me, I'm skinny and I'm happy with it. I could do something about it but I can't be bothered about it. But I guess if that's something you're insecure about you will feel offended or will try and defend the girls/guys.

If you don't like your nose or are scared of going bald I guess you will feel offended when someone makes fun of a nose/someone being bald.
dno, im not fat

its not about ur body type. generally feeling offended...
nah, 70% of my conversations are liek insults only
just gets kinda annoying if so. always says the same
You reply to him but not me?
hhehe i knew u will reply ;)

i agree with ur reply wes :)
There is no fun in agreeing :(
People which always feel offended by random shit talk are either low brained or have poor self-confidence or even both. Who gives a fuck about someone talking bullshit about you when you know that it's bullshit, or from someone you don't even know/like.

It's only hard to get offended by people you like, friends, family etc.
agree with u!
The problem is that you are asking this on the internet, (not just crossfire, just internet in general) & the big problem with internet is, that you can become who you want to be. So the people who say they aren't offended by anything other people say.. that's just a lie.

You can always get offended, but you can hide it offcourse. An example, a couple months ago, I knew about a friend who was dating a red haired girl (flame incoming prolly :/) but no one else knew, at one evening, some of my other friends were really laughing about a redhaired girl, I can't imagine somebody could not be offended like that? My friend just acted like he didn't care, he even admitted being in love.

Me myself, I'm not easily offended, since I have extremely high self-confidence. Whetter it is to hide a low self-esteem I leave to the psychologists if I ever have to attend one. (narcistic behaviour) But I also have an extremely high feeling of empathie, what makes it easy for me to understand when someone is offended & also 'feel' with them.

So as a conclusion, it's understandable if someone is offended by anything what people could or can say.

PS: something is wrong with me today, my english-skills feel extremely weird & bad :/
Normally I don't have that problem :D
The problem is that you are asking this on the internet, (not just crossfire, just internet in general) & the big problem with internet is, that you can become who you want to be. So the people who say they aren't offended by anything other people say.. that's just a lie.

You can always get offended, but you can hide it offcourse. An example, a couple months ago, I knew about a friend who was dating a red haired girl (flame incoming prolly :/) but no one else knew, at one evening, some of my other friends were really laughing about a redhaired girl, I can't imagine somebody could not be offended like that? My friend just acted like he didn't care, he even admitted being in love.

Me myself, I'm not easily offended, since I have extremely high self-confidence. Whetter it is to hide a low self-esteem I leave to the psychologists if I ever have to attend one. (narcistic behaviour) But I also have an extremely high feeling of empathie, what makes it easy for me to understand when someone is offended & also 'feel' with them.

So as a conclusion, it's understandable if someone is offended by anything what people could or can say.
OMG those bF guys are really idiots!
Met dat quasi-intelligente geleuter van je roep je het over jezelf af.
gohhh kijk is aan, wat een steek, geen come-back mogelijk.
no comeback possible :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
the rest i do not understand ;)
I told him that with his quasi-intelligent bullshit he should be ready for replies like this 8). He replied to me sarcastic, but without making much sense.
that hurts man =(
The fact that they were laughing about your friend dating a girl with red hair says more about them being morons than about your friend being "weird for dating a redhead".
I didn't said anything about my friend being weird, but the fact is that sometimes, not even being seriously, jokes about redheads are made, not realising that it could offend someone.
ye its easy not to get offended especially when your a cheating scummy cunt!
jada is clean. oops i meant ecklav =$
i dont care what people say
i dont really watch what them what do
People which always feel offended by random shit talk are either low brained or have poor self-confidence or even both. Who gives a fuck about someone talking bullshit about you when you know that it's bullshit, or from someone you don't even know/like, or even better: from someone from the internetz.

It's only hard to get offended by people you like, friends, family etc.
You should only care about the opinions from people who matter to you.
Not some random lowlife who calls you 'fat' for example.
brb goin to train lul
Noone has ever hit/attacked whatever it is my self-image is built upon, so I do not know how I will react when that happens...
typical boring women talk that no one cares about zzzzzzzz
tzzzzzzzzzz it wasnt about women talk :o
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