API KICK 131131 :(((

I've tried several things shown to me through GOOGLE, they didnt work! Cybergames only..

I'm using Windows 7 and I tried several potential fixes but none of them seem to have done the trick... Anyone knows?
Cybergames got old punkbuster It wont work with windows 7
Strange thing I've had it running for about 20 minutes in cybergames once without kick, then I had to go somewhere so I quit game manually, and now it just keeps kicking after 2-3 minutes and gives me 131131
I could play cybergays no problem under windows 7 :/
only alpha/beta etc
one/two/three dont work
Not sure which ones I played but done a few, never been kicked for API @ win7 x64
how to see which one is alpha/beta etc?... only see [CYBERGAMES] Free Cla thats it :D
Parent [CYBERGAMES] fun place (beta) [CYBERGAMES] Free Clanserver #Alfa [CYBERGAMES] Free Clanserver #Beta [CYBERGAMES] Free Clanserver #One [CYBERGAMES] Free Clanserver #Two [CYBERGAMES] Free Clanserver #Three [CYBERGAMES] Free Clanserver #Four
worst case!
definitely! :(
It looks like it a PB issue. You should take a wee peeky at their forums and maybe put a ticket in with Evenbalance to be sure. Just from the quick look I took, it seems to be a problem happening on the XP64/Vista Beta OS's and their reply seems to be that those are not supported OS's.

This is a pasty from one of the forums and they disabled the Ventrillo Overlay and the ATI Tray and it worked for someone.
API Kick 131133:

Known cause: Ventrillo Voice Overlay - Possibly other overlay programs. (ATI tool tray from Omega Drivers suspect)
Solution: Disable overlay program

Known cause: DxTweaker
Solution: Disable DxTweaker program

Known cause: Older TSO - Causes a "Missing/Corrupted API" kick
Solution: Update TSO to latest build
"XP64/Vista Beta OS's" -> Not Windows 7

I don't even have Ventrilo running atm, and in adition to that it already has Overlay Disabled. I don't even have ATI Tray, dont got DxTweaker. All other stuff is updated =)))
cant believe closing ATi tools fixes the api vid_restart kicks :\
thats ati for you... =DD
haha green fanboy! Red > green!
Turn your tools off.
Je kan niet op cybergames spelen, die gebruiken ouwe pb nog. Behalve cybergames alpha en beta, daar kun je wel op spelen:)
Blame punkbuster (don't even bother putting in a support ticket as they are no use)
Also try not to minimize, it helped for some people but lightnings minimiz0r was OK for me @ Win7
use defaultcfg graphics and i bet it'll work
Used to have same crap kick on cyber a while ago- try not to vid_restart - copy your autoexec settings in your etconfig file from etpro folder and dont vid_restart .....at least in the first 5-10 min ingame....i know it sounds like crap but it worked for me (i also have win 7 )- no other stuff like run as admin disable blabla run compatibility shit worked in win 7 .......
I'm not vid_restarting.. :((
And your not doing even exec autoexec right? cause if you do and it vid_rest automatically ....moreover check not to have anywhere written vid_restart ( in etconfig file from etpro or even etmain)....
we will win oc without you anyway :DDd
just connect without execing config or switching first to etpro ..

run et.exe open console connect server ip

Worked for me
I have this problem also! Join the game, get kicked, close ET right click on your GRAPHICS ICON DOWN THE BOTTOM RIGHT NEAR CLOCK and EXIT. Load up ET and connect to the server, you will not get kicked.

Mine is like this:

image: helpo

Works for me, annoying and it's not the Ventrilo thing!

What anti-virus do you have? I'm using AVAST, so if there is a link perhaps it's that.
What graphics icon?.. And I use Kaspersky Internet Security 2010
You should have an icon down the bottom right if you click the up arrow, either ATI or NVIDIA.
There is none :)))
xD then make sure you right click the ET ICON and do the ticks that I have shown above. Then join server, get kicked (if it does) then close ET, load it up again and then join again.
keep kicking no helpy :) ill just play alpha beta servers
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