street fighter 4 / M.Bison

one question, is it even possible to beat seth with m.bison on hard mode?:D

image: m-bison-in-street-fighter-4
yes, easily enough, he's one of the best characters in the game
thougt the game is quite good balanced ? :<
just my opinion :-) game is amazing
love the look of the game :-)
was kinda hard for me tho
also one of the hardest to use for beginners, 2 second charge characters are a right pain in the ass
ask waki
Was like almost impossible, when he hit me down he just spammed me like a low- opponent @ borken arms.

Unfair, I thought it was only player vs CPU and player doesn't let them up.
headstomp spam him to the hell!
this is what I was going to say :)

CPU seems to react really weird to focus attacks too.

only char that gave me much trouble against seth was viper :/
lol with CPU u can focus on his wakeup and he will ALWAYS eat it

online instead if u do that u eat a srk in the face
hehe yup, although a FADC is still the safer option than getting hit with srk cancelled srk on block

not that if you have any common sense you'll be out of that range anyway.
hehe online is fun to fake a focus on wakeup then backdash last second and make ppl miss srk so u can punish
shit game is shit
headstop + standing hk = win.
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