50/50 almost worked :'(

Just short of the final table of ECOOP V main event... the most annoying finishing place ever! :D

image: ber576xpqybghxex4

Anonymous Mind (iDreamOfVanhis) also got brutalized by stupid France frog & batong eaters hitting some LESS THAN 50/50 shots which is very unfair. Stupid frogs. Omfg.

image: ber58g9obifhafvew

But yeah 50/50 still earned the Finland #KRP.poker community a net win of 15k$
so you can come to lan :)
Why you think that they want to spend their money to come NERD.LAN?
noez the 50/50 tactic failed!?!?!
real moniez?
No those people played 13h just for playmoney
50/50 is just a myth

trying to make nerds jealous :P:P

oh and god damn frogs

Hows omaha going for you?
100/0 > 50/50 !
not so funny :(
i'm praccing for math exam, my jokes get nerdier than usual
haha that actually made me laugh :P
good, i was afraid i was hitting an unfunny-patch here
You can't play 100/0 -,-

Stupid noob get pokerskillz
huoh :)) nice buy in, well played.
Running time: 13h 34min.
From 21:00 till 10:30, nice.
tbh i would be too the whole night without sleep to win 11.000 $

edit:wanted to reply to mst :d
In fuckering deed
yep, earning that kind of money in thirteen hours is such a waste of time...
You don't have a guarantee to win that money. I guess he has to spend almost every night in this way and this time he was lucky.

But yes, it's fucking huge amount of $ earned in one night.
nice theory but the fact is you cant lose with 50/50 so there arent any risks
He can't lose? So he broke the system or what?
There's some challenge to follow 50/50 in all those hours and with every hand so yes he can lose. But the strategy cant lose, you just need to follow it and victory will always be yours.
Kinda strange, in this way poker would be the simplest game and everyone should win ;D.
what if everyone does it?
it's known for good players only lol, chmpp told me a week ago. It's just amazing
you do have a guarantee for winning something tbh.

since if you stay in a tournament for that long you already knocked out a lot of competitors and already claimed a top lets say 50 spot for yourself.

If you are losing a lot you will be out of the tournament rather fast.
But it was one night, what about the other ones? Does he win every night?
Why are you asking stupid questions ?
No one wins every night. Do you even have any idea of poker ?

Vanhaomena has made considerabe amount of money by just playing internet poker and many players can't even get close to those amounts during their 'career'.
Read my comment posted at 17:37:28, then read dualinity's comment from 17:49:04, then read my comment from 17:59:55 and then finally think about how stupid your comment was and made no sense.
To be honest, by every means my dear polak you are not making sense here.
And it's 16:59:55 over here, buddy.

Do you know how much money Vanhaomena actually has made by playing internet poker ?
And what it has to fucking do with my conversation with dualinity? Are you able to understand what you read? We don't talk about how awesome is Vanhomemamha.
I never bragged about how awesome Vanhaomena is.
Your comment
Quote"You don't have a guarantee to win that money. I guess he has to spend almost every night in this way and this time he was lucky."

As if you would posses some statistics of Vanhaomena's winning streaks and how rare is for him to win that amount of money, yet you have no clue.
Quote by mstI guess

Now go find your dictionary smartass.
Why were you even drawing such conclusions?
Vanhaomena even answered you below that it truly wasn't a lucky shot in the first place.
Man, does your brain even work? You're missing the point all the time. How should I know how he plays? I was assuming something, and Vanhaomena finally enlightened me. That's all, geez.
You're the one who brought up the playing time of the tournament in a bad light and also assuming that he spends his every night that way, and finally you were proven wrong. I don't think there is anything wrong with my brain.
Ye, now let's pray to POKER GOD!
1) I play for fun when I feel like it, so playing is not a tedious chore for me...
2) This kind of large tournaments are rare, couldn't play one every night if I wanted to
3) If you win nothing, it won't take 13 hours duhh. It'll be a couple hours max...
4) Also I didn't even get "lucky" (like for real... semi-lucky yeah) getting lucky would mean winning the 331k$... As I said I finished at the most annoying place :p
And this comment enlightens me, thank you!
Np, poker related things are extremely easy to misunderstand!
Especially when you're poker lame and know shit about strategies, technics! :p
explain what all that 50/50 stuff is about :o
what is 50/50? and was this for real money or not? If not then this is a fucking joke :D
you would play 13h or poker for fun ?
thanks to the krp 50/50 tactic ive lost 40 kg in 10 days
image: lose%20weight%20easily
congrats for playing 13h in a row
Oh lol though mind failed :)

gz guys, very well played! nice moneys :)

good to see 50/50 is still working :)
what is that 50/50 tactic exactly?
:o :o what would that be?
gz :-)!
Question: How much money did you start with, and what (level blinds etc) way did you grind to the levels which you are now ?
Which levels are you playing (cash)?
your poker journals are actually the best thing in crossfire.
great to see your progress although i dont play myself.
Me and mize are of the same caliber, although a bit more moderate.
with that kind of money you could probably live in estonia for about a year or so, and thats not saving money on everything
i envy you
its me! shevmouse!

not xD
what is "batong" ? fuckin' nerd.
care about virtual money? :D:D:D:DD: =D
50/50 :)))))))))))))))

anyway i dont rlly understent the 50/50 tax when i paly poker :( Im to noob
haha u won some e-moneyz, care? :D
these fucking nerds didnt have anything better than to do than play playmoney poker for 11 hours straight haha ;D
what the fuck is a batong?
I see now ... xd
I can imagine communitys hate against krp :P:P:P:P
they roll nerds in et, and owns moneys irl :)

gratz vinhis and mind :-)
lol like anyone cares about you at all xDD
im the ghost of Christmas past
lold for the same reason you lold for some reason
lolZ nice 1 : D
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