Need Javascripter (easy)

Okay i need a one person who can make a one easy calculator for me, it is very quick and easy job i think:D!.

Add me at xfire haxasd or pm me here and i will tell more about this work
He is slow and hard, can´t do it.
How hard is he?
It should be easy for little experienced coder, but for me it is just giving headache
javascript or java?
javascript to make a calculator for one website:P
google it and steal someone elses handy work. If you need something customized and its quick i might be able to help you out
depends on functionaity and functions u want to have in ur calculator it can get difficult because of parsing the string. U have to describe the calculator and the way using it more exactly.
i got one for you, but it is a java applet :).
I smell "please do my homework for me"
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