Glow config


I know that i can set in my config that my enemys and my players glow.
Can Anyone post me the command / commands ?
Would be nice

which Lady gaga ? :D
sup with the shemale vid?
haha only cause she got penis and balls ? :(
Better ?
sheeps config
ya i know but shes beautiful also... would be a nice Woman ...
r_ignorehwgamma 1
r_gamma 3
r_intensity 1.5
r_picmip 3
r_colorbits 32
r_texturebits 32
r_mapoverbrightbits 1
r_overbrightbits 1
r_ambientscale 0.5
r_ambientscale is cheat protected, r_texturebits and r_colorbits don't change anything, r_picmip 0 does give a better result in such a dark config, although that decision might be a bit too personal to say it like that, the rest is right : )
0.5 is the default value. Try all that with 16 texture and colorbits and see for yourself :P
okay, I will try. I'm playing myself with r_mapoverbrightbits 2 and the same settings as listed above, and yes, I know r_ambientscale is set to 0.5 by default : p
Basicly r_ignorehwgamma 1..
Sheep.cfg ?
isnt it, my nigger.
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