A question to AdSense users

Hi haters & lovers <3

I have just a 1 question to you: Look @ this pic of my uber pro body building web site

Is that Google advert breaking Google Adsense rules ? (I am talkin' about that adv on the top of the site, not that square below the site)

Best regards.


I forgot u dont know poltalk :XC

Poltalk lesson #1:

-Wybierz swoj program cwiczen - Choose your training program:

site: przykoksuj.pl
Dont think so
dont understand a shit whats "written" there
i approve your profile pic.
approved aswell

too bad next week has the last episode for the current season....damn i hate to wait!
TosspoT knows a lot about website advertisment, listen to him
Hey guys, do you like the design ? test page itsonly one page for teh testZ
nah, boring as most sites
Looks ok to me...the main rules with ad sense is no more than 3 on the page, don't change the code. And don't click on them yourself!!

Another ad reseller u might wanna try is clicksor...
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