culv netbooks

i want to buy myself a new net/notenbook and i read something about these new

Consumer Ultra-Low Voltage Netbooks (CULV)

i read that they need less power, have a very long battery life, they are even faster than many other notebooks and they are CHEAP

so i need your opionion about this CULV-notebooks. are they really worth to buy?
is it true that a netbook with CULV and dual core @ 1,7 ghz is faster than a dual core from my pc (friend told me that some dualcores with 1,5 ghz are even faster than dualcores with 2ghz...thats why im asking)

i already tried to get some backgroundknowledge from googlin but now i need some good feedback from you guys

thx razzah

image: 5f1132e254941616a6623e7623429152
search for culv and you'll find some n1 tests
already looked at and @ first place was a culvnotebook..but i dont believe that 1,3 ghz with dual core is sooooooo great :x
why dont u just get a normal laptop? ;X for what do you need it? gaming? office?
the page i posted is really n1 to choose one
more like office...deejaying...icq....photoshop...

not gaming

what would you recommend? a 10-13 inch screen or a 15-19 screen?

price = max 500 eu
[ger] netbook reicht da vollkommen aus
schau dir mal die von asus an. kenn viele die eins haben und sind damit voll zufrieden [/ger]
great randompic :OOOOOOOOOOO
just buy a macbook man
gimme 2000 eu then man
think we all enjoyed it XD
asus eee pc is da best !!!11
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