new internet, but

so im getting new internet, currently 4mb just to test, and im wondering if the more mb speed i have, the faster download & upload i will have? or what determines it? how can i ask my isp to have better dl & up?
just buy ultraweb
How does it differ from internet?!
it's faster, better, will clean your room for you and blow you to sleep at night
Wow you must be a total noob when it comes to internet. 4Mb will get ya around 400-450 kb/s. The more Mbit's your connection offers the faster you can download. Same goes for upload speed, but it depends on the symmetry of your DSL. ADSL for example offers Average download speeds with shitty upload speed. If you got ADSL your connection will most likely be 4096/512
well, i have 4mb connection, and im dling with 180k/b on max, with adsl, and according to you adsl shouldn't be the problem
np 4 israel
Eigher your Router is just shit or you're getting screwed over. 180 kb/s is about 1.6Mbit ;). I suppose you have already resetted your router to reconnect again? If you're on wlan try to plug in a cable and see what your DL will be like then.
well, the dl on normal stuff seems fine, however on utorrent it's around 100 k/b less, and i have really fast torrents...
Well its not really surprising that utorrent is slower than a server. As long as you got around 400kb/s on these 'normal' occasions everything seems fine to me :O).
about fucking time.
Also you won't be guaranteed the speed you're buying, it all depends on distance from the exchange and line attenuation.
basicly the bigger bandwich you get allows you to download more at once, which usually means faster downloads but depends aswell on the server hosting etc etc.
the upload is the same afaik.
Dunno , I'm suppose to be on 12mb line , max download 1,2mb/s , so your speed/10 = download speed, not sure about upload.
not true. your speed/8 is ur max download speed
yap since one byte is 8 bits
looks like right, thanks for the info.
no problems
k , nerd lol.
I got a 20mbit contract, but the line here is only 8mbit:(

Ultraweb or intranet pls
adsl = determined by allot of things - so every user gets different speed (determined by cable quality / and mainly ur distance from the internet central)

So they can say 4mbit, but the speed u get might be much lower. 4mbit is just the maximum "theoretical" speed.

EDIT; if u think ur getting screwed over, you can read the information from ur modem, and with that info you can calculate the internet speed you should be able to receive.
so you're saying i rather get an different router? im currently on wirless since i cant connect throught cable, untill a tech guy will fix it, and atm i have 2 bars out of 5, so probably it will be wrong to judge the inet right now, until im connected with cable, right?
a cable is more "secure" since there's less shit that can go wrong with it.

"so you're saying i rather get an different router?"

No it doesn't matter which one you have
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