new phone...

ok so im seriously in need of an new phone, been using some random shit phone for 5 years

im looking for a phone that will also serve me as an mp3, have a touch system(and a good one) an ~16GB storage, and of course to be good...

i have always looked at the HTC and iphone, but HTC ain't in IL untill atleast february, and it can take even much longer, and the iphone just came to israel only last night, and while in usa it costs maximum 500 euros, in israel it costs no thx

any suggestions?
More like 200€ for the best model,

Not sure what their shipping policy is, try to get someone to bring one for you, it is way easier and you can avoid taxes etc.
well, iphone without insurance, no ty...especially where i can't find anyone who can bring it to me, nor buy it for me in usa or so
What do you mean without insurance, don´t you have some kinda personal home/stuff insurance which covers everything you own (to some point).
Aah :D Well, that´s worth the risk if it seriously costs ~5 times as much in Israel :)
the price in here is just can i buy it then without traveling to the usa :s
No one you can trust in a country with an Apple store?
Shame, just picked up an iphone for £450 earlier this week. Must say I quite like it, but certainly not worth the price it is in Israel.
That's with an US phone contract. Without it costs ~600$ (check the small text at the bottom of the page)
Nokia 5800 XpressMusic
a fucking shit phone, will never even think of buying it
It is actually a very good phone.
it's a "good" phone, but a complete utter shit compared to the other smart phones
yaza iphone ba aretz? :X
To sum it up:

You don't like the Nokia touch phones, you can't get HTC and Iphones.

Sooo, what's left? Samsung maybe, or the Palm Pre?

Not much to choose from when you basically want everything only the Iphone offers :P
sucks eh :P i though maybe there will be some phone hidding somewhere...i really hate nokia's touch phones, they really are awful, the HTC looks just plain awesome, but unfortunatly will take long till it will be here, and the iphone looks just perfect for not looking for a bad ass phone with super fast options, just a one who is useful and worth it's money (n97 surely not)
I've got the HTC Diamond touch 2, dno if thats the one you mean and it aint all that special. If I can go back in time I would've bought an iphone instead :p
i cant buy both so im stuck :p
motorola droid/milestone
HTC Touch HD2

I've got the original HD, and it's much better than iphone. You can actually run TomTom perfectly on the HTC, while you're stuck with some google-maps shit in the iphone :D
there is an application Tom Tom Go, which you can purchase for a rough €99 on the Apple Store for an iPhone.
I don't see it yet!
Buy Sony Ericsson Aino.
it looks freaking cute.
and Sony Ericsson has really good phones imo .
I like the way their filesystem is and so.
just love it:P
Yep + sonny ericssons walkmans editions are such an awesome phones.
touch screens are for people who like fingering their own brown ring holes
then get the fuck out of this journal you fucking stupid faggot nerd and don't ever look at this journal again
i wasnt looking at it when i wrote that, im still not, i was feeling the stinking anus hole of the journal with my cock.
Hahahahah nice1 jnz hahahhahahahhahhahah :D:D
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