Watch downloades series on tv

Hi guys,

I've got series that atm i watch on my pc screen but I'd like to watch them on my tv but I'm wondering what the cheapest solution would be to be able to do that? In the past I just copied the files to my laptop and then connected it with a cable on my tv but my laptop is broken..

Grtz x

edit!!!: is it somehow possible to make a wireless connection between and my pc?
usb stick + dvd player?
media player(streamer)?(preferable with LAN+hdd)
yeah I got a dvd player with an usb entrance but it's only for photo's, it doesn't support movieshizzles

media player? what's that? It's kinda impossible to connect a lan cable to my tvplace
stupid question, but did you actually try it?
my dvd player is also only supposed to show pictures and stuff (thats what they officialy advertise with) but it runs all kind of movies from usb stick
yeah I did :p I connected my external HDD but they didn't show up
hdd's dont work, just usb sticks
hmm I'll try that
just an example: (there are better ones - didnt look @ this one)

Have a 360/PS3 ?
youre saying you can connect your hdd to your ps3 and watch films on your TV ?

would the different files e.g. avi etc be supported?
Streaming yes.
Playstation Media Server<3333
Sounds illegal.
actually it is
Fix your laptop then!
the HDD is broke, I bought the laptop for 15€ and it worked for 2 years. i'm not gonna put money in it anymore :p the screen is kinda fucked up too, it always automatically falls in 180° so I had to put it against a wall etc :D
15€ LOL

nice one spiroken :D
ja 2de hands van ons pa zen werk :p da heeft echt zalig gewerkt e, ma tviel wel letterlijk uiteen de laatste maande en nu ist helemaal naar de klote :D
mjah voor 15 euro kunde ni sukkelen hé :)

Return on Investment is zeker voldoende geweest denk ik :P

Plannen om iets nieuws te kopen? Mijn batterij heeft het ook begeven jong..
neej kga gene laptop kopen ze.. ma dees ziet er bangeljik uit:

dan kannek gewoon alles wa op mijne pc staat via het netwerk afspelen op den tv, ma et enige probleem is nog da den tv benede staat en de router bove :s en nen draad legge da gaat bekan ni lukke, dus kzou da draadloos moete kunne doen ma kpijs ni dat da gaat
Wilt ge mij is uitleggen hoe ge uwe laptop op uw TV aansluit om filmen/series te kijken?
Tesnoods in een bericht fzo :D Thx :$
da was me ne kabel :DDD kweet den exacte naam ni, ma khad daarvoor nen uitgang aan mene laptop en nen ingang voor aan men tv

spreekt voor zich maja ;p dunno hoe diee kabel just noemt, as ge nen goeie laptop hebt dan kunde da gwn doen me nen hdmi kabel

burn on dvd disk

if nothing else works I'm gonna do that
It's in a different room im guessing, Have a look at the WD TV's well worth the moneys!
hmm now I have to think about how I can connect it to my router =/ is it somehow possible to make a wireless connection between that and my pc?
yea you can buy a wireless dongle for the WD TV, but im not 100% sure how its done, but i know it can be for sure!
is it somehow possible to make a wireless connection between and my pc?
just buy something like the xtreamer+wifi, done. I prefer that one above the WD.
website Firmware will be opensource in the future from that one. Its also pretty populair, if you want more information
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