Tiny fps drops

Hi guys,

All of a sudden I've started to get little lagspikes in my FPS, probably caused by PB since I don't have them on Non-pb servers. They're getting worser by the day.. is there any definitive solution for this?

only play at nopb servers like i do
only play at nopb servers or just pause for that 1,5min when pb scans

i have drops from 30 to 4 every 3 sec when pb scans....
disable pb
my fps always goes from 120-125 when I join and get to the freecam and when I play I always get 124.8 fps instead of 125 :(
oh the drama
it's actually 111-113 ² 124-125

buying new mobo next month anyways :]
no hardware on this planet can handle et + pb
bet the guys down at langley are enjoying it
welcome to et -.-
on nopb servers i usually have 125 stable, and on servers where pb is enabled i get like 80-90 the most so ye pb is crap and don´t play with it :o
mine goes from 125 to 40 every 2 seconds
pb fucks up ur game mate, same here :)
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