
What have you all had?

Myself I'm eating/finishing

Bacon, Sausages, Mushroom, onions, peppers, salt and pepper, and English Mustard with some ketchup sandwich. I got 4 of the cunts :).

Tastes nice NP.

Finest meat!

image: sausage
ate tuna, gym, after gym i took a gainomax :P and a image: kanelbulle_thumb
and a vitamin shake

and now i gonna eat some tuna :P
cow shit! ha ha
nothing yet. i hope this journal enlightens me.
Country: United KingdomUK
nuff said
Ja food is nice here! Most of the time I eat pasta shit since I love Italian food!
i hate you
i knew that allready : D

but why?

struggling with obesitas lol?
FUCK YOU! :[ Can't buy those here in Norway.. a real shame! Missing original frikandellen quite hard actually :[
i can sell you frikandellen

2 eu / piece excluding sauce/unions and tranportation

or you can trade me Burzum <3 for a full box of frikandellen (25 pcs)
Well, I can buy frikandellen @ sweden, but thats just not the same!
We could share one if you come to lan... ;D
Sounds sweet <3 but then i really have to find myself a job :D
And we both know that ain't gonna happen, lazy cunt.
Well.. maybe still 3 1/2 months away ;)
cause? all the guys who love their body post salad n stuff and im not allowed to watch after my body??

well i pick this pic from the inet. i have joghurt dressing here ofc and it not looks similar but its a salad :)
so im normal human again??? :p
I am going to have some fish, chips and beans in an hour; cannot wait!
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