4 guitarsongs I'm working on

Hi guys,

I've recorded 4 guitarsongs that I'm currently working on. It's in the genre of punkrock, pls give it a listen and let me know what you think about it :).

It sounds a bit messy, hard to listen :o
what do you mean? that the 2guitars aren't always 100% correctly synced? or that I made a couple mistakes?
No just it feels like my ears overflood from the amount of pure guitar and the sharpness :p
Punk is dead.
yeah I think the same :)
sounds blink'ish
hehe great :) blink rulez
no drums no win
lol if you are going to multitrack one guitar at least adjust the tone or something so there is some difference in the sound :<
yeah atm I just change the volume of 1guitar and the other or put the 1guitar louder at the right side of your headphones etc.. I'll prolly do what you say next time when I record
i liked the 4th :) good work
Song 1: takes a while to get into. Maybe cut down the size of the intro cus it gets a bit boring after a while.

Song 2: Decent riff but as unblind said try to change the the sounds of the guitars not just the vol.

Song 3: nice start but gets kind of repetitive.

Song 4: By far the best 1 of the 4. Nice riff and smoother transition from intro to main riff.

good work. keep it up! :P
thxs for nice comment :)
I can do Medium on Guitar Hero atm.
1st song intro is just horrible in every way. Way too simple and long. Also your playing technique is quite bad, as I suspect from the sound of plectrum that you played the intro single notes only with down strokes. I guess it's the punk "way" to play everything, but it's just useless waste of energy.
I like 0:46-1:07. With some good drum fills it would sound great.

Overall you should use more palm mute when playing the rhythm guitar. Also then you wouldn't have to adjust the volumes of guitars, as the lead guitar would sound more clear. I also suggest you to download guitar pro 5 with RSE sounds, you can easily make almost realistic sounding drums with it. Here's one fast example how it should sound like http://g.imagehost.org/download/0121/jotaan (clip made 100% in guitar pro 5) recorded the clip with some vista shit, which lowered the quality a bit. Don't know why the guitar sounds like a fucking banjo...
thxs for your comment, but no I'm not someone who only plays downstrokes. I also hate guys who only do that, it's fucking retarded ;p but yeah somehow I just did that there cause it feeled better to play it there like that :)

maybe some toughts on the other songs =/?
l2p up and down
why you tell me that? I played almost everything up and down
i don't believe you.
watch my other vids on youtube :/ like this cover: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6WoeejMRKw

sorry, i can't see that good, i lost my glasses somewhere.
First one could be a bit faster. Keep on rockin'
guitar hero,hähä :-)
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