
so i was palyin liek satellite full tilt freeroll to get access to some tourney to win some real money, but told some mates to meet at pub, so i was liek fuck that play half an hour and sit out and i made liek big money and was from 1.5k to 30k when i left, so i just came back and was liek, 30k aint nowai enuff to be in top250 which means access to next tourney, so i logged in and looked at window sayin liek, you finished 251st

how sad is that?-_-
Short version of Leonidas?:DDD
armer nicon :s
wo ist der funfzig/funfzig?
one shit tournay.

Lost today shitloads of money when i had KK other guys had AA and AJ

and its very similar every day.
And you're obviously not American. 8D
wouldnt be suprised if there was 500 others also at place 251 :-)
It's impossible to tie for a placement in a tournament
Think he means he was lied to, bro!
oi, check your privte messages. Ecoop boy
oh wow, thats what i call uber fail.... when i came back, my madness freeroll enden in #3158 (of 12k) and 1st place get 5k moneyz
nicon mate, freeroll means freeroll. means you have to try every evening
btw pokerstars will get yourself earnedd
i will..if theres time..but it just was so close:<
same here. i was place 64 for the TV total wildcard
was 36th there :o
I've tried playing a SnG 10$ where I folded every hand and ended up 3rd. How cool is that?
yeeeaahhhh boiii rolling full tilt non stop, me and mize are the pwners over there.
failed @ bubble
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