HoN archer o_O wtf

jera and chronos tried to bd us
still they failed

image: wrjlpk5p12i

image: 3dhr41rygsqi

e: played her for first time x)
wtf at your items :o .
must be that! still supprised to see a heart of behemot to a ranged hero :D
What does it have to do with being ranged? I depends if you are being focused and it gives different benefits to different classes.

Tempest is a ranged hero who benefits greatly from Behemoths heart giving health which he needs to survive after ulti as if they don't run away they will most likely focus him. Also it gives him greatly reduced cooldown on his ulti 190 seconds to 150 seconds.
hmm dont be angry man , i'm just surprise
Man I'm so furious right now.
tbh he doesnt sound angry :)
as you might have guessed we obviously just
share the opinion that

Passive Bonuses:
+35 Strength
+300 Max health

Strength Heroes
+0.75% of Max Health regenerated per second

Agility Heroes
+10% All Damage

Intelligence Heroes
+30 Cast Speed
15% Reduced Cooldowns

usually can never be wrong.
IF tempy have to run away after his ult then theres something fucking wrong with that team oki bb
I mean after he has used his ulti and it's on cooldown. Usually you will have shrunken head before that so immediately after shouldn't be a problem.
lol this game is for nerds only hahaha
you are wrong and im a proof cause im no nerd anymore since 2006~
i admit, in the beginning the game feels very strange and hard to play
but after a few weeks you already know most of the builds and items
and usually the heroes never differ much from their class-sidekicks.

there is only

STR -> tank, support(ing in teamfights)
INT -> cast, disable, stun(ning opposing team)
AGI -> damage, carry(ing the team to victory)

Dont Die,
dont feed,
get lvl and items!

There you go,
Game over!
I believe you. First I was afraid HoN was for nerds only, but a stunning proof like you calms me. I will start playing it.

I also need to add that I care very much about what is for nerds or not. I especially care if I get called a nerd from a person on the internet.
perfect dude
pmme ako ti treba invite

archer is so easy.
never seen so many deaths
so you never played pub
image: ormp0x
Who needs full length games when you have CHAMPION OF NEWERTH CARRYdon.
how did u do this stat?i mean, its some kind of addon ?
waow, thanks
arma is so op : <
Love when kiddos forgot to ban him in 2v2/3v3
Need beta key :(
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