wow :o

i didn't see that coming. it was a exciting episode through out the entire time.
The continuous hunt for the trinity killer and the struggle to get a hold of him etc.

So at first i was like :DDDD
But then the end i was like are you fking kidding me.... :/ noway

If you havent seen it yet do so ASAP and let me know what you think.
ye, i always know i'm so interesting
Plekter already made an in-depth journal about this.
yeah how could i have missed that....
amazing season!
yes but the end.... guess im a sucker for happy endings
I never expected dexter to die in the final episode...

you seem to have something in your eye.
Was a pretty nice episode. Like you said, interesting from the beginning till the last second!
Too bad for Rita, didn't expect such thing :<
I really dunno what to think about this season comparing too all others, but it was a epic one for sure. Hope there is a new season incoming.
yeah me too :(. all the other seasons the tension build up to the end and he got away with whatever was closing in on him and he lost nothing but not this time. Oh well im expecting some epic twist at the start of the next season which will prolly start somewhere early next year.
I'm glad rita's dead. Her only two lines in the show, and one of them isn't even a line, were "Oh dexter, you make me and my vaginal spawn so happy!" and <pissed off face>. If she was pissed off, which would generally happen three times per episode, it was always either due to dexter not picking up the phone, and really who can blame him when she uses it like a dictaphone for menopausal whine, or because dexter has done something vaguely serial killer-y that shes interprets as cheating/planning to leave/ him becoming her ex boyfriend.

Her greatest achievement in the show was in coming across as more fucked up than the serial killer its meant to be about. She shits period blood over dexter having an apartment. Not an apartment filled with whores and coke, not even an apartment filled with porn, just an apartment. Yet, when she's left alone with a man mentally deficient enough to show interest in her, she jumps him like a german shepherd at a swingers party. Then, when dexter fails to care, she puts on her pissed off face again. Really, she cheats and it somehow becomes something dexter has done wrong? I have to put my hands up to the writers for thoroughly nailing the female psyche.

I wish my woman would get wet every time I punch a guy in the face, she'd be gushing a river. I lie, I've never punched a guy in the face, nor do I ever plan to, and the only thing a woman has ever gushed towards me was afterbirth.
HAHAHAHAHA i lol'd about Rita's cooment... it's exactly what she does, its hilarious :D
I liked Rita and I'm sad she's dead.
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