Good morning, nerds
15 Dec 2009, 08:56
Hoi fellow nerds
Your plans for today?
I just got out of the shower and later I am planning to write some applications, since I lost my job together with my working mates ;P (Quelle bankrupt) Sucks pretty much.
Really OLD(!!!) random vid (<3 the guild):
random chick:
Shoutout to #Evilynn,, #eurogl, CTN and half of EC-WINNERS
special shoutout to Otsi ofc
Your plans for today?
I just got out of the shower and later I am planning to write some applications, since I lost my job together with my working mates ;P (Quelle bankrupt) Sucks pretty much.
Really OLD(!!!) random vid (<3 the guild):
random chick:
Shoutout to #Evilynn,, #eurogl, CTN and half of EC-WINNERS
special shoutout to Otsi ofc
After that im going to play some floorball and some jimALEXLhardboi
but well, different tastes etc - and I am not really into girls.
so going to university in 20mins, here is really cold now, about -15. later planning to got for a shoping, need to buy buy buy something for a CHRISTMAS. GL today.
I hope my netbook arrives today but I guess it won't :(
14.12.09 00:00 Elektronische Sendungsdaten liegen vor
Cya, getting late already
maybe gonna play online poker from time to time.
btw, auch bürokaufmann/frau gelernt?
kennst den ganzen kram dann ja sicherlich auch (zumindest vom hören... ;D)? problem ist eben, dass der lehrer das auch alles ziemlich streckt, und affig erklärt... naja egal.
Going to buy some shoes, prepare for my 4 oral exams tomorrow :(( All 4 in a row without a break..
Meal: eat some junky food
Afternoon: check crossfire while servers are updating
Night: watch drHouse :D and play ET ofc :<
Well :D good luck with your essay, mister!
am working atm, then i think ill go to a shop for audiotuning, after that gym, maybe eat something and then pc
It's cause you're special
must be true then :(
Sleeping over at my bro's place, we'll be driving the rest tomorrow.
I bought trainticket with power outlet, so i can nerd on the train \o/
since im a hell of a good person im gonna explain what i do today
been lying in bed naked since i woke up (for 3h) and probalby will be there another 2h. Then going to the gym, today just for stamina training. in the evening i will most probalby get drunk or play ET.k. thats it.
good boy
for me just handed in my last essay in uni till january