ps3 or xbox? :P
15 Dec 2009, 13:13
Finally got some spare money for a new console, but which to get!?
I did want to get a ps3 at first, but more people seem to play xbox live more?
Help mee! :'(
p.s. I'm currently inactive, but might return to ET sooooon! :)
I did want to get a ps3 at first, but more people seem to play xbox live more?
Help mee! :'(
p.s. I'm currently inactive, but might return to ET sooooon! :)
not an exclusive anymore..
start playing ET again :D:D:DD
when u want all games, ps3!
do want wo ??
my xbox is flashed
kann ich trotsdem zokken mit ner geflashten xbox ?
musst auf die LT firmware warten
And I also think there are better games made for PS3.
Anyway, if you have real life friends - Wii. If you have some on-line friends - X360. If you're alone and no-one loves you - PS3 is your choice -,-
And I never really said PS3 is better? It's the more obvious choice for my use.
blu ray is cool
shut up
furiousity at its best:p
and none, i borrow them
proven so deal with it
blu ray (:S)/ great media center
free online play
shit controller
lack of cool games (not much choice imo)
good online play
good media center
good games (more then ps3)
pay to play online
it's a matter of personal preference
i used to own both
dropped the ps3 cause i hardly touched it :)
controller preference is strange, it's a matter of taste
i absolutely love the xbox controller and HATE the ps3 controller
elite mit gh3 gitarre 2 controller und massig an spielen
If you've got money, go for PS3. at least I'd do so if I were in your shoes. Otherwise take Xbox. It's the choice where you don't really lose since both consoles are great :p.
what can i say?
i still dont regret that i bought it :)
go for the xbox360...its cheaper, there are more games and the fact that it doesnt support blue-ray but hd-dvd, isnt that bad, in my opinion.
i dont have a hdtv (playing it on a normal 50 hz pal tv) but the graphics are still great.
in general i think the xbox360 shows the graphics slightly better than the ps3, but thats just a thing i read in many game reviews.
xbox - you can download every game
you don't know shit man :)
both concoles have same games imo, for this game xbox is better and for the other game ps3 is better but the games for ps3 are so goddamn expensive and thats the only thing id talk about
it annoys me that they are going to release final fantasy 13 on xbox as well, thats so shit :<
my conclusion: if u are poor then buy xbox :P
"if u are poor then buy xbox :P"
how's that?
it's like 100€ difference on this consoles :D you must be really russian if you don't have extra 100€ on your bank account ^^
there are people with a ~12.000€ tv in the living room and who maybe want to watch on bluray
getting boring now, okey, bb :)
watch all parts.. ps3 is better