snoop nerdrage

he cannot play anymore.. he goes pro for Thailand mhai thai boxe

epic battle!

it's not funny dude
Midgets are funny, no matter what you say.
What rly happened to snoop?:/
irl he is actually a really nice guy, too sad that everyone is making fun of him.

i know sry but i am a dumbass..

well, then thats ok...somehow. :p
he is actually nice true

but this is cf ;)

they aint even fighting for real :(
I would have raged too!
I would have raged too!
you call that nerdrage? they managed to hold mm for 9 minutes and had a nice attack and then the match is "reseted" would piss me off as well
M.Jago for president
so finally someone explained it the right i got it. thanks :D

wasnt the first time that somebody fucked up a eurocup for snoop.

the first eurocup for snoop where he was playing with pimps also got destroyed...was vs. team logitech if i rember correctly. 2 or 3 guys of pimps had to play with like 200 ping or smth and the admins didnt want to redirect them to another server.

the next eurocup which was fucked up was the one when razz got busted for using rivatuner. all matches razz played in got forfeited (?) and helix dropped out by themselves (?).

correct me somebody, if there's some fact i twisted.
I bet he has huge trauma about this already
e-drama :<
well, he really loved to play et, it was his hobby.

if you had a collection of coins, that you've collected over 5 years, which you have put so much effort and time in and suddenly somebody steals it, wouldnt that piss you off?

whats so funny about that? would you like to see people laughing about ur 40kg skinny body and the shitty cap u were wearing in austria?
Quotebtw could you make a short "airstrike only" movie for me? i have 1000000 airstrike frags against all teams you can imagine :D

this music would be awesome:D (url) []

but well, think about it and pmme
there are really alot of airstrikes ... 6men cortana, 4men tlr, 5men tag etc. etc. etc.
i must be nostradamus:D saw that coming but well, u r a good moviemaker so i wanted to try, wheres the problem?
thx that was enough for me
you must feel like a god here on crossfire cuz you made good movies :D
they arent even good :D
i think he got used to it because he got that status since he released out of the way 1 :D
dont know about the ec when he played with pimps but it sure was admins fault :p
the one with razz, guess it was ok to take them out, it also pissed you all off when gnajda played ec :D
and this time, actually i think he should face it that there are retards in this community, a way to solve this imo would be to let ecw get the cp and set the time on 7minutes and if mm will whine about the spawntime just restart the map till they both agree :DDDD other ways for a rematch would be unfair i guess
the thing i wanted to say is that snoop really is unlucky with such things.

that razz was busted for the rivatuner thing wasnt his fault but i know that it really pissed him off...was on vent with him when he read that every match will be forfeited.

and the pimps thing also really pissed him off...back then pimps and helix were good teams and they could have get far through both ec's imo but the chance was just destroyed.
Yeah - and he was ecstatic when he finally won it with pi.

For anyone who really cares about the game, the EC final is a big deal.
he is like the michael ballack of et :´(((((((
ha ha L:D
for the p!mps case I can't really say much as I can't recall the case fully, I just remember that there was some problem with the server indeed as they couldn't find a server that both teams would agree to play on and for some reason (can't remember which) they chose a server that favoured logitech

in helix's case razz got busted right after the last group stage game and they were going to go through to playoffs, but due to CB's rules razz's bust affected the whole team and they were dropped out

I didn't watch the game yesterday, but from what I've been reading I got the image that neither of the teams were behind crashing the server so you can't really blame any of the players for that. as for the decision after the server got crashed.. it's a really hard call. with 7 minutes left to take both east and west parts on radar it can really go either way so it would definately be a wrong decision to give a straight map win to either team. so basically there are two options: play the whole map again or start playing the game from the same situation. both have their own problems though. if you replay the whole map then both teams will lose the progress they had made and if you continue from the situation before the crash spawntimes will have changed and it can be impossible to rebuild the same situation due to player positions at the time server crashed etc.

I was pretty much on the same situation as headadmin of etQcup organized by Insignia Cadre couple years a go. final game was played between dignitas and TLR and some moron crashed the server at the end of the game during 2nd round of supply (which was the 2nd and last map) if I recall correctly. I took a pretty long time to figure out the situation and my decision was to rebuild as similiar position as possible to the one before server crashed and continue playing from that. of course I got a lot of criticism about the decision, but I saw it as a most fit and righteous one for that particular situation. I guess a lot of people have already forgotten that (can't remember it chrystal clear even myself anymore), but maybe some still remember it
so you agree that he is an unlucky guy? :p
just about the razz case, all the pb screenshot we could get showed he didn't use rivia tuner in any helix pracs or offi or whatsoever. He tried it few times without telling use in some random 3on3 with some guys we didn't even know. Anyway, case closed.
they managed to hold mm for 9 minutes
Oh yay, getting 2 radars in 7 mins against the best ET team atm in really easy I would say.
of course he has all the reason to have hatred towards the guy who actually crashed the server, but it's just childish and stupid to act like that to make the situation even harder for admins, their opponent and even his own team
oww please... radar deciding phase is defend of part near axis hut spawn... you can hold if for 12 minutes if your team got good teamplay, and MM has it
lol awesome
haha awesome :D
Just doing for your inbox.
that is simply awesome :D
that is simply awesome :D
Filling your inbox.
More inbox messages.
that is simply awesome :D
i just wanted to fill your inbox too
Shut up. I can understand him...
i feel bad for snoop and whole ECW tbh...
why not for us?
because ur nerdz
cuz everyone wants to see ecw win except fins and some others :D youve improved alot with mm and for me its boring to spec you, its like speccing idle back in time just with annoying players :D
i feel bad for MM :´(
wasnt it taz that fucked everything up? like giving the ip/pw to all the nerds on irc?
ye, but still cant see the connection between us? we have nothing to do with taz's leak

persons u can blame: francis,taz,graziek

francis taking taz to shoutcast -> taz for leaking infos -> graziek for hacking the server
it's spelled grzesiek (g r z e s i e k)

at least similar to how a pole would say it (the loud speech at the site)
a guy that cries over winning/losing games at lan should get on the special person's bus. No surprise the dwarf nerdraged and wont play anymore.
at lan? is there some lan on thursday too? i heard so
Alhtough i dont know you, I've always thought you were one of the smater ones around here. But youre just personally insulting someone, and thats why you Sir, really suck!
wow you're sad ;o
now why would u say a thing like that !
I replied to your post. Obviously I say it because of the content of your post.
well from my point of view the guy constantly whines whether it be fps pb 5on5 rifles mines panzers etc hes always negative. Now he decides that because of some retarded actions by kids he will spoil the tournament for the rest of his team. I can understand him being pissed off, its the way he dealt with it. He should stop being selfish and grow up
Aza or some1 else of that roster can play. Just because he is whining about a shit program (pb) or similar stuff you feel the need to tease about his physical appearance or tell some imaginary stories about him crying at LAN?
sticks and stones. Its understandable u sticking up for him, however i have had many personal insults (e.g. appearance) thrown at me by snoop - so have many players in et. I dont think that replacing him with another player makes it ok. He has let his teamates down and thats that. Maybe u should look at it as a neutral view instead of an ex teamate.
Still doesn't justify making stories up.
tbh i dont like snoop that much (he will know why :D), but all in all i can understand his reaction....
His reaction is nothing but understandable.
Considering it wasnt his first fucked up EC, plus they really showed a great performance...I'd think about quitting such a fucked up game too.
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