old school game

well not that old school but i guess like ~9 years ago i had some fun game where you ran between people in panic cause you where there with everything you can pick up from the area to kill as much as possible!

the first map was in a mall! and it said something cool like they did in gta2 when you begin but i cant quite remember what!

the name of the game had "american" in it if i am correct!

found it!

its called state of emergency
i played this... are u sure its not like 5 years old though?
no idea! feels like 9 but i guess 5 could be true also!
postal plus? idk
no not portal, it had a more of 3d look to it!
must be gta 4
american idol
looks like alexL at lan
no mama @ lan
state of emergency rocked :D played it aswell
State of Emergency was facking nice :d hek vroeger ook nog gespeelt ^^
need dl link
Secret of Mana <3
The warriors on xbox > that shit
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