Hellouw [Sap aap?]

So... SAP?

What are u doing / eating / planning?

Im waiting for Ragnarok to finish Patching and downloading La Grande Vadrouille.
Wat should i eat ?

+ Snow again :///

EDIT: what is better 360flip or laserflip ?
just woke up... going to make me a big bowl of macaroni for breakfast!
sitting at work
chry coke + cigs, gonna play QL soon
Tough muscles smoking sigs
i have no muscles anymoar because of work in the UK :<!
Studying all day long. Fuck my life.
Had some things at school, back now. Cold as hell out there.

12:59 from #SieWi - Tie 4; Oulu, Kuivasjärvi kello 12:10: -23.5°C (tien pinta kuiva, pouta)
Schnee again?

work, sleep, work, gym/eat
installing xp on my new netbook
y0 m1ke! sitting at work, still ill! my throat is a tiny bit better today, but not much tbh. also I got an ear infection! I tried to ease my pain with some pizza for lunch, but now I am even more tired than before.
u should have went for chinesee man!
I eat chinese 2/3 times a week, coming out of my ears already
ye but today i think it would be the bettter choice.. what about mexican food ? or indian ? or burek/kebab ?!?!
there is neither mexican nor indian food in the town I work :p
and kebap makes smelly breath
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