Clanbase stuffs

Well, we played a 2on2 offi against credibilis (Whisk3y and s1lent).
First map was beach, after 2 minutes one of us crashed, reconnected and the other one went for a reboot cause of the lag. During the pause, they saw that a spectator in server was a referee. He was in our clan on clanbase, but wasn't on our vent and was left in the server since his last pracc there where he was forced to kick out the opponents. Anyway, ref logged out immideatly, we owned the shit out of credibilis and started the 2nd map. Allies didn't speclock and as a fair spec ours said they should speclock which they did. They also got raged in supply and after that started whining that they won. (OMGAD WE LOST RANK 3 IN 2on2 LADDER, WAT NOU?)

So, I did some research and in clanbase rules, there's nothing that says the spectators can't be logged in as referees. + He wasn't even on our vent and we never said it's our spec.
There's only a part mentioned about ref abuse, but he didn't abuse his powers of spectating their team as he told in the server and later confirmed to us.

So my question is, should the lame #credibilis team get a win though they got unbelivably raped and clanbase doesen't have any CLEAR rules about ref abusing/spectators?


image: The-Hot-Chick-4-TPW6EFI6Z4-1024x768
QuoteSo, I did some research and in clanbase rules, there's nothing that says the spectators can't be logged in as referees.

Don't you think that it's more than fucking obvious?
Quote Match rules

1. All matches are played in the Stopwatch mode.

ain't that abit more obvious? but its still written.
im also gay
Whoa the guy with a 3month old account owned people how remarkable
my other account has over 2 and a half years, get over it.
banned for being a retard and/or cheater?
waar ben jij tegen heartz
Hoho, dit is 5on5! =) Dat zijn mijn vrije uurtjes! =D
Ben jij niet eens lu van 5v5. Faal! En waarom heb jij vrije uurtjes, JE MOET PRACCEN
Omdat ik niet naar CiC7 ga waarschijnlijk? =D Alleen als ik geld heb ofc.
Ga dan ipv je vrije uurtjes op xfire door te brengen, werken!
ur nick tells it all
You raged s1LENT


You cheat
the spec should provide his demo and show that he wasn't speccing anyone
that can be done, you think that will solve the problem for us?
in my opinion it should if that's what they were whining about
Will do that once they come online, stopped answering to me at irc after the journal tho.
Give them that spectator's demo.
imo if they whined about it later its too late.

If they say before match ref logout and he doesnt then they should win but they didnt notice it them selves.

same is that if the match is staretd and you are playing with player who is not in your team (merc) doesnt matter since they didnt whine about it before match..

im too tired to write it correctly but you got my point prolly
yeah i do but the spec has already uploaded demos so i think it will be alright, they are just afraid to lose their points :) thanks for a good reply tho
afaik when you rup, you accept, so they accepted there was a ref. whining after rup is total bullshit.
:-d omgoash dont blame me^^ blame the dumb pollakko...
eheheh lost against some random bobs ? :D
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