early morning journal

so I would have to get up in 2h anyway for school so I decided to turn on nolife mode. now I'm enjoying my breakfast which is not usual for me. What are you up to cf people? IT'S SNOWIG HERE WOOOOOOOO

and DRAGONS ofc!

image: dragons

shotout to BelgiumSup3r, NetherlandsAn1mal, NetherlandsApoc, NetherlandsRoberto, BelgiumGifted, FinlandtoNi, NorwayHexxxxxxxagon, FinlandEvilynn, Romanianebu, GermanyTechniker, Polandvib and to all other Europe fags I forgot about

gtfo goes to Finlandtaz since he's smoking blue l&m's
Sock's rough guide to being Robaciek_:

1. Find a meme.
2. Ensure meme is as unfunny and unoriginal as possible.
3. Stick to that meme.
4. To the end.
5. Get up early to post meme.
6. Eat breakfast.
7. Post meme while eating breakfast.
8. Add dear diary text to meme.
9. Ensure dear diary text is as inane and boring as possible.
10. Get a polish passport.
Sock's rough guide to being sock:

1. Find a Poland.
2. Ensure Poland is as unfunny and unoriginal as possible.
3. Realise step 2 is pointless.
3. Mock the Poland's.
Thanks mate, I've been looking for this guide for ages!
how can you stay up all night @ comp? or what did you do? :O
just brought my gf to the trainstation. There's atleast 15cm snow here in the northern part of the netherlands which is not usual. First time ever that i drifted in a Fiat Cinquecento :DDD
lol gratz man :D
.avi or it never happened.

Will accept mp4, mpg and perhaps wmv depending on time of reply.

Comment back. x
You sir.... rock!
waking up to an early morning journal of you makes me wanna get back in bed to reboot.
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