Pauz cheat?,20645.html

What do you think? I think 1, 5 and 6 is obvious, the last 1 topped it off to be honest.

grzesiek 1 week ago
people who don't know how cheat looks shouldnt stop doing movies like this.

1 - isnt that obvious when three people spawns at flag, there is no engi, so in 80% engi prolly will come from door
2 - axis spawns at 31, so he has shown his timing skills + some luck. nothing special
3 - nothing
4 - killcam is possible as he said since everymedic didnt get 140health points and engi+soldier got full HP aswell
5 - dunno what is weird in that since ventrilo or teamspeak is useful in praccs
6 - nooothing it doesnt prove wallhack

If you think that he will get busted by this avi, you should go play Call of Duty 4 instead of this shit game and whine about wallbangs.

What would I say in my conclusion? Wykurwiaj, which means in polish "get the fuck out"

Quotepeople who don't know how cheat looks shouldnt stop doing movies like this.

because the sense makes sense

e; are you really a father??? and 19 yrs old??
Perhaps read it wasn't me that said that it was
grzesiek 1 week ago
that smart sentence was written above "grezkisajr7932yhrk's" 1 week ago statement
Ah I see my bad :D, my appologies, it was said by him.,20645.html

See video for proof @ bottom of page :D.
There's a forum for this shit .____________________.

Just watched the video, only thing that looks remotely suspicious is the last one, and even that was shit :_DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
maybe you should spent more time with your kid than internet whahahahaHAHAHAHAHA!
Perhaps becuz he is not born yet?:O.
oh ok, in that case it's ok to seek a clan to play with 24/7, my bad mate. but there would be ofc an option to let go of internet games while you can and grow up and spent more time with your gf and talk about how nice it is that a new motherfucker cunt borns in to world soon, but do what you gotta do.

and it would be the thing what i would do but you aint me and i aint you so yo dawg!
Not needed but I do get your point.

My work has been fucking me around for the past few weeks, so I have much time left. Son isn't born for another like 5 months, mature enough thank you. Spend enough time with my GF thank you:).

I don't play 24/7 infact I hardly play anymore which is why I wanted to play for a bit whilst I can. After I get back into work I know I won't be able to do anything for a long time, I've had to work around 300+ hours overtime for saving funds which you most likely have no idea why. I see from your grammar that you're only around 15-17 and you feel like raging @ someone on the internet NP go ahead.

Either way have a good day.
respect & gl in future =)
Perhaps, I can't gtfo from internet? I haz connection!!!

image: cat-internet-failure
What speed?! :o
hmm its not that obvius TS/Vent and everyone could tell him where the enemys are so no hacks
i agree on #6.
He doesnt hack reason? Well the world isnt out of luck yet and it might be his day.
And normal teams use teamspeak/ventrilo to communicate.

Please stop crying when you lose ill give more props to ragequitters than sad proves you upload.
Not uploaded by me, just made me lol @ the comment in my OP.
LOL @ 4. i'm a rifle also, and trust me even with comms u dont bounce it to the ground to make it land on a coordinated spot like that because you simply can't know where he is exactly , he was obviously too far to hear and yeah, obv wallhack. he actually also fired a round where he shot is rifle, he was really sure his opponent would be there :-)
seriously .. :'D
ur e-penis must be fucking big by now
cheating with rifle is so cool, why? because you can always say "omg lotto nade" XD but 1st is so fucking obvious :)
ofc you check the door if you has plant and you dont see ppl coming from flag spawn...
nothing obv.. Ventrilo is the shit babyyyyyy
you write a journal about it like more than a week after someone accused pauz?

just as a sidenote: I dont give a crap what "get the fuck out" means in polish :s
only the last one is suspicious but it is ot obvious so.. others can be said on comms etc
not again
lol not really obvious, maybe first action but that comes with vent info, other is normal.
pAuz is just skilled and that video shows nothing.

pAuz <3
LOL go sleep nerd :D
Nerds don't need sleep. :]
but girls yes :D
Fine I'll stop nerding around. x(
you dont want lose your beaty due to no sleep, do you? :O
Obvious is that you call him cheater, he just learned from Williams.
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