Jets 'n' Guns

image: jets%27n%27guns-gold

I thought that decent 2D space shooters have become extinct since the year 2000, but then came Jets 'n' Guns (2004 + expansion 2006) to save the day! This epic masterpiece is unbelievably incredibly fucking good, masculine and did I say it's incredibly fucking awesome?

First you have a shitty little aeroplane with a pellet gun (it's still fun) but HOLY SHIT as the game goes on you end up with a motherfucking black metal war machine with 666 doom lasers and rockets and the whole experience just grows exponentially in epicness. The weapons arsenal is _huge_ and extremely imaginative. There are awesome explosions, weapons, and carnage all around, and everything has been made just perfectly. It's enough to make a man cry out tears of joy. The game is rich in hilarious humor & parody too (the whole game is almost like a 2d shooter parody since everything is just so over-the-top epic and awesome).

There are no bugs or anything other to make you annoyed, except for the completely ridiculous level of difficulty @ hardmode but that's only positive of course. Casuals can eat shit and die (or play easymode and still get an orgasm evely level). Oh yeah and the soundtrack is made by Machinae Supremacy, which fits JnG like a fist in the anus

tl;dr: Jets 'n' Guns is a motherfucking epic and awesome game
You should write a weekly game review.
didnt like it.
Yes, awesome game.
ye this game is epic :D
awesome game with awesome soundtrack :D
Looks really nice
+ fukken one, had some great time with this game, truly epic stuff.
tALi didnt like it.
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