poker-journal #9000

I've played some poker today.. :DDDDDDDDddd

started with 8$, and finished my session with 54$ :DDDDDDddd
damn I love those pokerstars-fishes, I'm sure some of you were playing there, because those guys were as retarded as Robaciek or other mentally challenged faggots at this site! =oDDDDDD

Thanks to [flag=<3] KRP and the Finland finnish community for the 50/50 tax, it turned my life from a nightmare to a paradise on earth! I even lost some weight while thinking about the 50/50 tax, and even my IQ jumped from 110 to 136!


I can effort some bread now, this shit is off the chain :DDDDDddd
50/50 made my chest hair grow
gonna play texas hold'em on my blackberry again!
heh, np

50/50 is everything u need for success
doubled my money with 50/50 so easy to pwn noobs
someone teach me the 50/50 tax

make a tutorial :D
no you spastic, white people are too fucked up to learn 50/50 tax!
you can't learn 50/50 btw, it's a gift by the finnish god!
finnish is my new religion and im black

gimme the tax, ngr bro aight
a thunderbolt would hit me if I'd tell you, so I better keep 50/50 tax for myself, don't want to face the finnish god :s he's nice, but if you share secret info he's like "LOL I'M MAD" :s
gief tax or tits
havent u accepted yet that it doesnt exist?
theyre just trolling.

buy harrington on cash games if u wanna win some money.

books are extremely overrated. but it's still funny that ppl think they'll start winning only because of the books. of course they include some of the concepts you need, but it won't make you a winner alone :p I've read ~4 books I think and some just partly and learned 95% of the facts still from elsewhere. it's still possible to beat nl/plo4-10 games with them! :D

let's say a random player reads many pokerbooks and goes to for example 100-400 games and I guarantee - the regulars will crush this guy totally. it's harsh, but you just gotta learn it by losing.

and I don't mean this to be offensive, just making a point. (it's not wrong to read those books anyways)
yeah ofc. your exactly right.. the books only give u the basis of how to think, rarther than how to play yourself... you do need to have some good and bad experiences in poker to consider yourself a good player, certainly.

I play pretty much cash games only, and i dont follow the rule books exactly how it says... or id be too predictable and probably get crushed.
yeps. for example coachingvideos ( etc.) or a real coach makes so big difference that you just can't believe it first :p
50/50 made my eyes water
pokerstars is gay, gta wait till 70% is out, cuz everyone just goes randomly allin all the time
you obviously have no clue, means you're a fish yourself! :-)
fishes are nice, they can swim 24/7
where I can play some online poker ( not based on real money ) with a lot of ppl?
don't play with playmoney, go for real money on low blinds if you want to learn a bit!
50/50 is just plain sick
Since i use 50/50 i get all the girls!!
you know what short stack strategy is... if so pm me and i show ya how to get 50 dollors free no string attached take the money or play with it up ta you
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