"Arbeit Macht Frei"

that words were attached to gate of concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau, one of the biggest and most "popular" one. Today, those words were stolen, yep Poland did it again. Those words were great example of the nazi cynciism. The act of stealing it is totally aimed at the memory about jews that died not only in that camp but in all of Holocaust process. what's your opinion about it? What kind of a bastard you have to be to do that?

image: amfxy0

no DRAGONS this time, it's serious business
zyklon b
arbeit macht frei
old news is old.
robaciek wez sie tak rozbiegnij po pokoju i zapierdol baranka w sciane
Selling Letters: A(2x) R(2x) B E(x2) I(x2) T(2x) M C H F
i dont get, what you are trying to say
Hartz4 macht frei.
ah, right
made me lol
that village looks pretty cool!
my opinion is "my eyes have seen the glory of the trampling at the ..." :)
its done purposly my some poles who wanted to show some rebel against nazis
what else they can do? they were in the fucking camp, one word and they are all dead. It acutally helped them, not them physically but mentally, that cheer them up and stuff. Can't rly explain this with my english, soz.
its explained pretty good student :) <3
thanks mah sexy teacher<3
I saw the sign at the jobcenter
Great series in the 70ties.
i dont care bout history of this place but i dunno whats the point in stealing things like this.
its like collectors will pay huge amounts of money for that
it is too famous to be sold legally anywhere in the world. if someone intended to have it he would still have to keep it in complete discrecy.
ofc he will do that. there are loads of historical relicts traded illegaly in the world or just standig in dark basements
well true. these guys are retarded. i would understand if they bought it to show all their friends that they got it, etc, but since they have to keep it secret... there is no point in it. well, their money, their decisions. if i had so much money i would defintiely spend it in a better way!
der Spruch eines Hartz-Empfängers, aber der hat leider auch recht :)
you seriously cant be serious, seriously :<
oh hey what a nice small town, let's go in there and see what happens
If Austria did it they would have used basements, not concentration camps.
'working makes free' which ment the only way to get out of there was by dying
would love to have it for my front gate :))

[PL] jacys jebeni neonazisci pewnie ukradli :U btw jest nagroda za odnalezienie 10 tys zl ^^[/pl]
: O) ja sylaszalem o ty 2 ostatnich tylko^^
You got none!
I think its shit to keep these words. things like that more evoke "these old good times" than "it was shit" - if it was shit, why the fuck keep it.
Because we mustn't forget what humans are capable of.
maybe they evoke it in you, but not in other people :s
Some nazi scumbags here whining about their precious sign getting stolen -, - Heil Hitler
funny because its their friends who did it :d
its a concentration (worktill2udie) camp, and the capshun says "work makes (you) free"
image: 1261214007_by_Kelendir_500
That's no real spoiler... There's this really ridiculous & clichê plot twist after that. Main character coming back to life, how original is that -.-
its more like

work liberates
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