fucking cold outside

i will just take a bath, happy that i get out of my warm bed.

since i wont leave my home today, i need some nice movies to watch and some nite entertaining. best irc channels to stay? some 3o3's tonite! w/e count me in

so please giiief all infos u got!

image: 664565

we are all going to dave's bday party, sorry
>> This journal is interesting because i'm bored too and i want to waste my time with some nice movies. :D
-12° in zeh mornin' :<
nice girl btw :o
ich muss auch gleich raus und zwa einkaufen ...... es schneit ganze zeit kb raus zu gehen..
-12°C here :O
schau dir banlieu 13 und banlieu 13 - 2 an :) heisst ghetto gangz auf deutsch
Uhu ein Kenner. Kann ich nur bestätigen Banliue 13 ist geil. Der erste war aber besser ;).
-11° here

do you like zombie movies? I was on a streak yesterday!
First watched dawn of the dead in teh afternoon
in the evening day of the dead, and after that dead snow :D
zombieland!11 <3
I still have to watch that one :D
nah im not big fan of zombiemovies.. :'/
there is a zombie movie i watched some years ago. they use fireworks to confuse the zombies while they are getting food and shit from the shops.
do you know which movie i mean?
land of the dead?
yeah thats it. thanks
i luve the snow :)
and the cold weather and stuff. <3
its not that i dont like it.. i do like snow when im on the mountain with my board but i do not like when im in my car and all around fail with driving...
you dont have to fail in driving during snow-seasons.

straße nass,fuß vom gass
straße trocken,rauf den socken.

so drive slow. ;)
i know i should drive bit slower....
driving on normal streets sucks idd :( but i was on some big prakplace which was fucking funny until 2-3 police cars came :S

good movie: zombieland (not too much horror as its also funny)
yeah i wanted to do same tomorrow onparking space but i couldnt find a big one so far. will try the "gewerbegebiet"
ahh gewerbegebiet ye lol i totaly forgot that one here in wien.. there might be no police ! will check that tomorrow too :P
wiaderko i dialer, sluchacie mnie teraz.. z mojego punktu widzenia -> na ostatnim meczu dobrze rozpoczeliscie, mieliscie pasje i niezle ambicje.. bylby wasz. ale wydaje mi sie, ze teraz odpuscicie sobie ostro, bo to bedzie myslenie typu 'no, kolejny mecz'(przez ostatnia akcje grzeska). wiec mowie wam.. TO JEST FINAL I MUSICIE DAC Z SIEBIE MILIARD PROCENT ABY ROZWALIC TYCH NO&#321;LAJFOW!!!! oni siedza miliard godzin przed kompem, bo maja zapadnieta klate i dioptrie -miliard, do tego zero znajomych, nie pija alkoholu i nigdy nie trzymali dziewczyny chociaz za reke. wierze w was, pogadajcie z reszta ekipy, macie rozjebac mordy.. zrozumiano?!?!?!?! to kurwa do boju!!!!!!
quote of some random polak from gtv:DD
link please :XD
It'd like a translation =D
LOL'D :D Motivational speech all teh way!
About -15°C here.
@ EstoniaNight it was -21°C o.O
/q TaavI` when you are going to play!
ich hoffe mein auto sprongt an sonst muss ich hungern :DDDD
me <-- double hard bastard, I went jogging today
movies: Little Lord Fauntleroy
best irc channel to stay is from far #replicant.et , theodor is waiting u there :~>
best irc channel to stay is #faggotfamily my dear :D <3
cu there laterz <333333
its not cold in jew land
but where my base is in the desert the temperature can get to -7c

stardust! ull like it
image: stardust1_large

its such a sweet movie, idd. :D
awesome cast
Hihi we in the "Cold" NorwayNorway only got -8°C :DDDDDDD During daytime ofcourse =D
gosh same shit here, like -10°C, was outside a bit and freezed totally :/
had to wait outside for a taxi @ disco last night @ 4 oclock

fucking - 15 °C :/

hope i dont get a cold

well tonight again party hard

ps: if you want a sexy randompic then post one of urself ;(
Muahah I slept sort off outside @ -15 °C Only with a sleeping bag =)
15 is ok :D

but okay :P you'll be ill for sure ;) :P
Nope, Just have a good sleeping bag =) No problems then.

Ps, made a little edit lol.. it was -15 not +15 :D

ps: shoutouts to:

Quoteif u deserve one, pm me :D

where am i :o
inglourious basterds ist gut
was one of the less movies i watche din cinema great stuff idd!
OMG I was outside to buy some food. my car doesnt even become warm. so i was thinking about just driving around to become warm but then i decide to go home..
-3°C here :) the last 4 days have been like -15°C -17°C =( nice that its getting lil bit warmer now :XD
its "only" -10° here but i didnt change my clothes to winter.. so for me its bit too cold atm :)

but when the sun is out its nais
hoho we fins never use winter clothes. :XD atleast I dont / my friends dont (only long jones the erotic killers)
hehe u really wear it?
yea - we are men after all. byebye to our beloved balls if we dont use those on cold times =(
Missed my tram this mornin at 5 coming home from a pub...My fingers are still numb, it's got really warm here now -10... There's ice on inside of our windows ffs :<
as i was driving with my car to supermarket i couldnt see anyhing outside cause my breethe was frozen :o
lol, just had a joke with guys in the Kiosk...they were talking about "kratzen"...They mean on cars, I mean in my damn flat !!! brrrrrrrrr
:ppppppppp well i only have this in my kitchen from time to time :o
fell over about 5times when walking the dog. Walking home at 1 am this morning after drinking for 10 hours at my free xmas work party wasnt the best idea either !
what's weather like back in Blighty?? heard it was snowy/cold everywhere
noob dog walker is noob @ ET
-18° - living in a fuckin village make sme sick
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