spacecake *help*

me and some friends would like to bake one, but we dont really know how much to put in it. since the internet has different opinions about how much gramms to put in it (2.5g up to 10g), id like to know if anyone has some experience and could give me some advice. we are going to use maryj because we werent able get some decent piece. we are all used to smoke pretty much and frequently (3 persons/going to eat it all), so can anyone tell us how much we should use? oh yes, the weed is kinda strong i d say 8/10..
cook a crossfire logo !!!
you should put between 2.5g and 10g
depends on what you want
HOLY SHIT you cut your hair! :D

btw i'd put around 6-7 grams in it.
r u going to lan? we could smoke some joints again :D
im thinking about it ye... but probably not for playing ET again :P
anyway just come for fun as me :)
i always do :P i suck at ET ^^
cook one, and do a tutorial about it!!!
Over 9000!
use ket instead
Did one with 5 gram for 4 people, was pretty strong but i also had a large piece.
I guess somewhere between 3 and 5 gram is oke.
ok gonna try it with 5/6 hope we wont be disappointed :P
I guess that will be enough, you kinda have to find out yourself, inet doenst help much. Although the weed we used was strong (and i live in holland;)).

Are you going to put it straight in the cake or let the thc be absorbed by the butter?
i already know that thc reacts only on high temperature, going to heat it up with butter first but thx for all anyway
np , have fun ;)
hey thanks again, was the perfect amount and fucking awesome :p
a pound of lard should do it
this cake is awesome for school trips :DDDDD
depends on how often you smoke weed and also youll need weedbutter
just put 10 over there, if it will be uber strong you dont have to eat it all :P
ye but u cant know if it is too strong cause u ll have to wait 1hour or more to get high and i dont think we re ale to eat only one piece of cake and wait over more than 1 hour to know if it is ok or not, it ll be more like that we are going to eat the cake in like 15 mins :p and we dont want to be overdosed :D
let's pour sugar and milk in our coffe while we are still on the wastetrain.
Just do about 1-1,5 gram per person, meaning you should take between 3-5 grams.
expert talking here
just do between 5/10 and it will be ok:))
7-8 g per person
peace oder gras?? imo its big different which u will use for it. i ried both but i like gras more for it. actually i cannot remember how much it was but at least 5g.

btw hi2u. cya @lan??? i need my atzen around me
hi2u2 comment erst jetzt gesehen, ja wahrscheinlich bin ich da, wieder einmal costin den holzkopf sehen :D
Ask reVo, his brother is an expert.
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