Man City ditch Mark Hughes.

What an absolutely cuntish thing to do. For me, Mark Hughes was starting to show glimpses of being a half decent manager. Great people skills, charismatic and well presented, he's turning into the complete package.

Sad to see him go. :(
I'm still in shock! I had to express it in journal form!
Woah Manchester City, are talking about second league or ... ?
or the richest team in the Premier League, yes.
seems a strange decision, he is a good manager and would have stayed with them for years

but its inevitable, when a team gets taken over for loads of money they always want instant results, which is impossible
Yea, indeed. Apart from Hughes being a great manager, I don't understand how Mancini (Spelling?) is better or even better suited to the premiership. He won two league titles with Inter but to be honest, considering the competition in Italian football in recent years, is that an epic achievement?

mmmmm he brought alot to inter, but it was ridiculously easy with AC Milan getting older and Juve getting relegated etc

sounds like a publicity stunt more than anything to get big names in january
I agree on both counts!
he's a shit manager but was a A+ player..backed luckily by lots of monies...bit like Chelsea..hope they all burn..
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