Ragnarok Onlineeee

Does anyone play it? Private servers? :DDDD If so which one?

(doesnt expect anyone to say yes) xD
(doesnt expect anyone to say yes) xD
you play that? rates?


Rates are simply the rate of which you gain experience or the items drop.
The rates are:
13 x Base Experience
13 x Job Experience
07 x Normal Drops Rate (E.G. apple dropping at 10% is now 70%)
05 x Cards, Equipment, and MVP drops.

too low for me :( low rates arent my thing
7 of 10 i think
at the beginning its really nice but after a while it gets a little boring because you have to train many days to reach a higher level.
not many quests included its more like a hack and slay mmo.
but if you like the style the game has and you find some nice guys to play with its really good.

edit: if you like mmo's i also recommend the free "Aion" gameserver here is the link to the hp http://infiniteaion.com/

edit2: sry misunderstood you with the meaning of rates :D
I got official Aion acc, I have played RO a lot already :))) Had best SinX in some servers and had a reborn archer max lvl to piss people off with cuz I pwned them :D Had some epic cards but forgot most names :(((
True that, but it still sucks. Go play GW
I dunno, either way if it's free or not, can't stand the slow rates :))))
my roommate does
that game sux hard
I played it 4 years ago. Don't post pic, I'll nostalgia :(
in failland
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