weather in estonia vol.2

a lil bit cold but it's normal weather here, -16 °C , I'm Back from the school coz i had some stupid lessons :D
What should i have to do now ? kkop im startin' gaming again

image: OgAAAAen0OFcmMKuUD9WlgpTq4VxT9nppj9x-oTdktkVXmBEdt9wEdDFbX0PdoW8WBQgJKSnYw3pM-JuJFm-2aXm2PYAm1T1UKiBrt07BXcddwgIQrd99-Uwwj_i made it on yesterday : D

Shoutout to: Edgar , cR0d , frERobi , siGNum : ))
Nice picture :D but mine is better

image: 3054718014_580dd42875
ok. -15 here in LT. A lot of snow of course. Nice pic. Try to make megamonster vagina! =]
megaMMMMMMONSTEEEEEEEr vagina iz lil bit hard to make
Nice snow cock!
in Holland I'm 'working' a day at home, because the trains/public transport fails when a little snow falls.
We made a huge snow cock last year, was awesome.

Had some good 5 inches of snow overnight so going out to take pics today : )))))
hähä : DDDDDD gl : D
Pic is fucking awesome :>
-28 atm
where do u live?
became quite warm now tbh :D

image: Unbenannt

-40°c last week
what a fuck :XD niceee weather how do u feel?
well I don't live there anymore but the winter was pwnage
its 21.3 °C here, jews pwnz!
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