Eddie Izzard Stripped

Just watched it. He's still got it! Too bad stand-up comedy is not popular in Poland (rather cabarets but that just not the same :<). Is it the same in your countries or is it let's say moderatly well thought of?
stand up is lately a huge hit in here, atleast 2 succesful shows are on air once a week @ evening, and some random shows with stand ups
1st time in my life for a second i wanted to be jewish but then i thought about it again and laughed at myself :p
you are an ass hole
cheer up! im polish and im on xfire. Dont expect me to be touchy ;)
There is standup, but it's mostly foreign.

There are numerous top caberetiers though =)
sitdown only
Eddie Izzard is ftw!
japa nupcze, wylaz z tego warhammera i dawaj na hona!
polish people are radio active, true or false?
i dont think there are a lot of standing up people here
same here, don't like cabarets at all. My favs off standupers are Carlin, Rock :_)
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