Graphic Card for ET

Hello Boys and Gurls,

will the following Graphic Card be good enough for ET?

NVIDIA® GeForce® G210, 1024MB TurboCache, VGA, DVI, HDMI

I only want to have stable 125 FPS on every map including grush....
If this Graphic Card isnt good enough please give me some other ones.

Thanks in advance.
geforce2 mx400
"Grafic Card for ET"

You need better cpu to really gain fps boost. Graphic cards don't mean shit in ET because the game was developed before paper was invented and back then nobody knew what a graphics card would be.
Hi Wicky :)
Isnt that 64bit card? If yes, look for another one
I just bought a cheap 9500GT and it's enough for online play (ET/COD4), but i think 9400 or lower will be fine - be sure u dont pick 64bit card cause it's shit.
Isn't ET more dependent on the CPU than the GPU? Or am I listening to far too much Death Metal !?
I had stable 125 FPS with a good old 6800GT, 128MB VGA... Lets think about it !
it's possible even with gf4 tit 4200
back in the years maybe(or without pb), but not anymore, got the graphic card on my uberold pc... i remember having 333 fps on radar with it, but now i only have big fps drops with it...
It's from the latest series (200+) but it's also one of the lowest of its series.
In other words, get a 8800/9800 GT.
even with so good graphic u wont have stable fps since pb is gonna own u.
just buy an alienware.. like me :D
How much did you pay for one?
€0.00 i said to my dad my laptop is slow and he said you want new one i said ok, i made an alienware and he orderd it :D but it was 2k+-
And you your dad could've bought a pc with equal performance to your ufoware for 1600...
yeah i already said to him yeah i can order it at dell for 1200 e.. but he said NO DELL but then i said alienware is from dell then he was.. well yeah.. we do alienware
just give me the money you have....
et pb is about CPU
no actually q3 engine is about cpu.
another rebranded card from nvidia - fail
ET needs a good cpu not a good video card
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