HoN Heroes?

What Heroes do you love to play?

My all time favorite to play is probably Pharaoh. He might not get a lot of kills by himself but he is so amazing for ganking and initiating. Tormented Soul is also awesome if you are good at it and can score some kills when people run back to spawn. His ult can also be really fun when you shoot it into the fog and have to guess where the enemy is.

Recently I've been playing Blood Hunter alot. I love his speed boost when people get low and the minimap reveal. I also love how easy it is to farm when you get healed by last hits, you can just last hit through harassment if you are good enough. It's also hilarious to hemo noobs and watch them sprint away.

Pebbles is also fun to play with his toss. It's always hilarious to pull off a stun/chuck combo on people who are chasing you and kill them both.

Support heroes like Demented and Jereziah are also pretty fun to play if you have a good team that actually pushes.
ill start playing HoN if this journal gets 100 comments
But seriously, I prefer to play support/gankers. Double passive heroes are boring. Most carries are boring.

Plus if I didn't we would only lose. Aza and wiadro would have such bad stats if I wasn't around to save them all the time.

Also, tablet of command is the best item in the game.

e: Demented Supportman is pretty fun but what is more fun is rushing shieldbreaker/hellflower/frostwolf and carrying with him.
I definitely agree with you. Some people love to just play carries because they can get lots of frags, but I always found it to be kind of boring. I don't know if you played WoW or not, but I kind of had the same mentality there. The damage dealing WoW characters were just boring to play because they sat there and spammed the same attack rotations over and over again. I loved playing a Priest healer because you actually have to react to what is going on rather than just focusing a target down and doing lots of damage to it. (Although I eventually just became bored with PvE in general, played PvP to within Gladiator range and then quit because it sucked).

I also prefer heroes that take some degree of skill to play. It might be satisfying to run around as plague rider and ulti people all day and get hat tricks and quad kills, but I think it's alot more satisfying to outplay someone.
Played priest warlock & mage, never got to 70. I did play a much superior game at a high level however, Guild Wars pre-factions which was without a doubt the best "PvP" ever implemented in that genre of game. Nothing came close before and nothing comes close since. It's just a shame they ruined their own game with expansions.

But yeah I get what you're saying. Winning because you farmed more items is not a lot of fun, winning by outplaying your opponents is. Current DotA/HoN competitive metagame seems to be turtle&farm which kind of sucks. People will die 10 times over before they let the carry die... Ganking/roaming really needs to be made a more viable strategy.
QuoteThe damage dealing WoW characters were just boring to play because they sat there and spammed the same attack rotations over and over again.

This is why I liked playing Shadowpriest, because there was no rotation, it was more based on priorities depending on your position/damage/crit/etc. It's true for all other classes I've played though. Ret paladins are even more boring in PvE since they go by a first come first serve rotation. Carries are indeed pretty boring in HoN though, the only carry I like playing is Madman, and of course, ARMADON. Getting CHAMPION OF NEWERTH on Armadon was the best thing that has ever happened to me, we've been inseparable ever since.
demented or hellbringer is always a good choice imo .
but its like ur just wanna win then host a fucking 3v3/2v2 then fucking autopick pestilence and let them concendeat 15:00
hellflower + frost...plate or whatever is called + hack & slash == gg , frostwolf was used to get an slow item, but with the last update making frostwolf to be made with hack....it is worth to make slash aswell to have more mov speed + more attack speed
I love to play carries because I can get lots of frags
thunder bringer is the best one for me with Plague Rider. Ofc for Thunder you need a lot of mana but if you play well you can get some great items and boost your ulti. For plague his ulti is so fucking amazing that you can do genocide by yourself :D .
both are epically overbowered midgame tbh
if your team doesnt start up with building a bareer idol from the very begining, ur quite fucked if zeus/lich are controlled by decent players ;x
You always need some counters, no matter what opponent...

for example playing against a scout or nighthound forces you to buy dust/eye, haven't heard any complaints about that
ya exactly. On pub most of the time the support doesnt build a barrier idol, and even if they do by the time they finish it plague rider usually has about 5-10 kills already.
both, thnder & lich are fucking shit, they cant win the game alone, although 30 mins passed and every hero got like 20 - 0 kills, fucking bullshit heros. those are the only ones (oh yea an ninphora LoL) i believe after having 20 - 0 (without feeder in ur team) you can lose the game.
chronos,pestilance, demented shaman
i like your picks :):)
image: ?plugin=ref&page=image&src=War-Beast
only complete faggots play panda
whenever someone picks panda i just go vindicator and watch them get owned.
Night Hound (18-1 my 2nd game with him)
ye... hardest invisible unit ever!
Oh obviously.
Only took the other team to get to level 24-25 to decide to get the gem and end my killing spree :XDDDD
easily deniable by a pro scout like me....
blood = ez cause he has the best attack animation and lifesteal.

i like to play pesti or electrician =9
in order:
1- magebane
2- corrupted
3- demented shaman

i usualy play random hero :o!
favourite support: demsham, ultra low attack animation which makes him a great early game harasser. Along with the stun + heal spell and an amazing ulti which dominates teamfights if applied properly.

favourite stun: puppet, great early game imho if you control the whiplash crits. puppet show makes him an ok initiator if he has the backup.

favourite carry: madman / plaguerider. Plaguerider when the server is full of retards or when you got some nice stunners like kraken / pebbles / hammer in your team :)

favourite tank: mmm, hammerstorm / pebbles. mm :) Pebbles throw skill is teh pwn, though hammerstorms ulti is awesome also :p I should try playing him with a bottle and get a DD :)
Quotefavourite stun: puppet

You are wrong

Quotefavourite carry: madman / plaguerider.

just madman is carry, and a shit carry

Quoteyou got some nice stunners like kraken

kraken is not stuner -. -
I did knew facts can be wrong, never knew opinions could be wrong.
I don't know how you play Plague, but I don't think it's right to call him a carry. He is an insane early game hero, and possibly the strongest most annoying babysitter to be up against, but he loses so much power in end game that he's only going to do something if you have heroes that can hold the opposing team like Tempest or Legionnaire. Shaman's headress and Shrunken Head make quick work of his ulti too.
Well, plague is an insane ganker if you play pub and start out mid. But yeah, he becomes weaker as the game progresses and you need some really retarded ppl to get multikills with his ulti. Well, plenty of retards in hon, played mid vs bubu once. Guy had no micro at all, he just selected both his hero and bubu at the same time. Just waited for the creep to be killed, hit bubu with ulti and watch the ulti go pinball on bubu + hero :D

I really dont mind playing vs plague, he needs at least two hits and unless you got mongols in your team running after you instead of spreading out is ok to counter. So yeah, I totally agree with you. He's far from a ganker but he still owns on pub :p Kinda like soulstealer + shroud on a pub :p
i think what he's getting at is that puppet is not a stunner
puppetshow + puppethold?

ok, its not succubus but puppetshow is a great initiating stun which also silences and you can combo it with the hold which ofc isnt a real stun, but its pretty effective nevertheless.
well thats a disable and an immobilize... :3
yeah, you are right :p forgive my noobiness. We need some dotapro in #tag.hon
Madman a shit carry? You do know when Madman, Mage bane, Sand wraith and the Dark Lady get items it's game over right?
the only ones that can win alone are magebane (easily deniable with a litle silence) and sand wraith, the others are deniable always :s , unless you have in your team like hmm corrupted, magebane, maliken, or those heros that have shit slow skills but no kind of silcence / stun :S

e: well at least thats my opinion :P
The thing is, Madman scales insanely with gear because of his passive x2.0 critical damage skill. A Madman with Shrunken head, Savage mace and Shield breaker is near to impossible to stop unless you have someone that has physical disables (Panda). And even if he has Shrunken head on cooldown, he can easily get away in danger because of stalk being complete bullshit.

Edit: Well, he's kinda comparable to Sand Wraith, since they're both shit without items. Stop their farm, and they won't be able to do much.
against casters he must rush shruken head before geting an 'agi' item like shieldbreaker or wingbow or savage mace, that makes him to creep so fucking hard and dying less times than expected, that makes him to go jungle or so to get fast gold => lifesteal to not to die so easily ( more gold needed :S ). madman in a beginer, noob, retard, or never played dota and knowing this game for long time.... its useless
less HoN more ET discussion please.
Hon journal => HoN discussion

ET news => ET discussion


hello <3 :D:D
Yeah, he kinda gets fucked over by lane partners too. It's awesome if he has a babysitter that gives him the opportunity to get all last hits, but most people don't actually let him do that, which is retarded. Most people also don't realize how much damage they can put out with Madman and are afraid to go in team fights or gank.
Madman is a perfect mid hero at start and can own most of the heroes on mid if played correctly. So, he doesn't always need a babysitter, because his first skill and second are pretty strong early game aswell especially against some weak heroes on mid. However there are heroes that can easily outplay him on mid.
We actually played against a Madman mid yesterday, it was quite annoying, but he didn't seem to have a lot of last hits (he was mid vs Vindicator). The game before that they had fucking Scout mid, which was the most annoying thing ever because we never knew when he was miss.
well, yes I hate it when people don't do anything and just wait with a skill for a kill. If you play as a team that's fine, but otherwise it's crap. And yea, madman can't do much if you're together. I'm just saying that played right on mid he could have owned vindicator. At lvl 3 he could have killed him I believe, specially with a rune in his bottle :)
He did own our vindicator, who was pretty good too. But I guess we kinda ruined his potential by deciding to go for a fast win, instead of delaying it until late game. Also, we had the motherfucking Legionnaire showing him his dick.
Yeah, as I said team always beats a carry if he doesn't have one (team that is). People on publics usually forget that this is supposed to be a team game:)
Madman :D

Start out mid, cloak, barrelroll and own. Repeat as much times as needed till the other guy decides to give you freefarm at mid :)
i mostly randomize anyways but devourer voodoo jester panda are fun to play
panda is OP
Devourer is seriously nerfed hero, compared to pudge in dota, he is a total failure. Even though he has the same skills, he can't do shit mostly. I remember the times in dota you went mid with him and owned everything, now that is not likely to happen. I think his movement speed is far to slow.
pebbles&pharaoh and some others
Battle Nymphora (Harkon's Blade, Hellflower)
random build for ninphora "killer" : hack & slash + thunderclaw (and warpleth +55 att speed) => stun + those items == 200000% attack speeD XDDDDDDDDD
I like playing carries like chronos, sand wraith, madman, BH, magebane, predator, war beast ( maybe i missed some).
I like supports also like tempest, pebbles, hammerstorm, keeper of the forest, defiler, puppet, kraken and pestilence ( some are not always just supports :))

I don't know where to put Blacksmith, he is so sick with his multicasts and hp.

There are many, because it's quite boring playing same hero over and over again. But I random a lot aswell.
image: ?plugin=ref&page=image&src=Arachna image: ?plugin=ref&page=image&src=Puppet-Master

Haven't tried out any others (except for maybe 1 game where I got rolled by skilled)
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