Freeware FPS

I was wondering if CF users know any excellent freeware FPS games (they could be also with micro payments for extra weapons and stuff, like in Combat Arms, for example) which are popular (well, have at least 100 player base, lol)?

Games which I'm not interested in (anymore):
  • Alliance of Valiant Arms
  • RtCW: Wild West
  • Smokin' Guns
  • Nexuiz
  • Warsow
  • Quake Live
  • Battlefield Heroes

I'm doing freeware FPS video reviews in Latvian language and I start to run out of ideas what to review next (besides W:ET, which is already half done (text mostly, lol)) ... Anyway, the videos in Latvian can be seen here

image: riuyv42ipyhlhciwazei
With the appropriate sources, every FPS game is freeware.
I mean freeware FPS which are ... officially freeware, not by cracks and serial numbers made free ;x
With the appropriate sauces I still wouldn't choose gravy to put on my pen.
Serious Sam
cant understand shit :-D
Gunz , SoF 2 ?
is SoF2 freeware? :o
MP should be.
SoF2 MP version 1.00 doesn't do a key check.. has no anticheat either, built in wallhack etc.
love the random pic, gj
god i fail hard :( but you didnt mention crossfire(fps game)
Urban Terror -

Used to be a Quake3 mod but now uses the free (and included) ioQuake engine. Very fast, accurate guns, CTF game play (which is better than it sounds) and an average 2000+ players online, plus active competition scene.
Coolbeans! Thanks!
action quake ii
wasn't AQII predecessor to CS (and quite dead by now)? :o
finns still play it... its dead tho... epic game tho... and i cant really see how it could be a predcessor to cs as nothing is similar... the movement (strafing), weapons (maybe), and its quite faster as cs
Well, because the creator of CS is the same who participated in developement of AQII? :)

Read wiki overview ;)
all the free games are shit, you will have to buy one sorry.
Smokin' Guns, lol
smokin guns is goood
I've used some of your demos in video, if you haven't noticed! :P

Just that you was the best "victim" to make video with some sort of kills, since I couldn't kill even standing nubs there, lol Q_Q
nice frags by me !
Friend of mine is playing it very actively, maybe u know him - Sosniak
yes I know every active player in the game
random pic = epic
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