Headsetjournal #1337

Since my mic of my headset just chrashed (no idea why), I need a new headset

Any advice?
2.5 euro mic (aldi) + random philips headphones
creative fatal1ty ~50 euro
looks good, ty
np, im enjoying it alot
Good choice, they are around 25€ nowadays, have had them for 2 or 3 years, so they are durable + unpluggable mic. Good value for money, just get them, no need to go more hi-fi with stuff that will break down in few months.
tyvm for the advice
Lol it costs 30e here
well i bought it like 2 years ago :D
there are two versions
but its not that good :(
Ich weiss dass das hs kacke is :D
when i wanted to buy some time ago,they told me:oh,we are not bringing them in romania anymore...:|
fatal1ty , hebk ook
waar gekocht?
media markt , 45~50 €

goeie headset tbh

e: wel 2-3 maand gelede , dus kan wel al goeikoper zijn nu
is er ne mediamarkt in de buurt van leuven?
buh , kben mijne in brussel gaan hale

ge zijt best da ge nen 317 pakt naar tervuren en dan den tram en dan zijde er direkt :P
in oostende is er ene!
gamer/"xtreme"/5.1/fatality audio equipment is nearly always TERRIBLE

headsets suck too

get a decent pair of headphones and a clip on or desk mic or use old headset round your neck
true, most headsets arent nearly as good as good headphones. Still the known brands are decent enough for gaming imo. I use a headset for gaming and spare headphones for anything else.
steelseries 5h v2 (white)
I should have bought white ones :<
you got the black version of it? if so, some feedback :P
what? o0 :D no no, now ur just messing with my tired brain, or? :P
you said you hsould have bought the white ones, so you bought something else. And I asked if you bought the black one & what you think of it :P
AHA!! that kinda feedback, thought you were talking about the sound feedback :PP Well, I like them, I don't if there are any differences between them except for the colours, but what do I know? :o) I like them, but white ones would've been cool though :P
Tablemic + sennheiser hd201
4mins after you ;]
I bought Sennheiser HD201 for 25euro and some generic mic for 5euro and i absolutly love it!
mic is just fine holding on for 2years now and nothing bad about it and earphones are just awesome and probably costs lower now cuz i bought them 2years ago aswell :)
Yup, can sit with it for hours without any problems.
of course Sennheiser
roccat kave
sennheiser, i wish i has them

fatality is okay too though
Sennheiser HD595 and a tablemic = instant win
Sennheiser PC350
don't take the fatality headset, my brother has it and it sucks. da past zo totaal ni rond u oren alhoewel da zo lijkt op die afbeeldingen, koopt u zo nene steelseries 5H V2, dan hebde ineens nen deftige da rond u oren past ;)
kem den diene besteld! khoop voor u dat ne goeien is :D
haha ownd, da was maar een mopke e!

neenee, echt wel dikke headset vinnek =) verzorgt em goe, zie da ge nooit uwe kabel dervan laat rondslingeren zoda uwe stoel der kan overrijde want doede em na de klote xD (da geldt voor elke headset ofc)
daarom is de mijne dus kapot, ik doe niks anders
dunno boss whore
Buy some REAL headphones, ditch the OMGSUPERGAMING-crap.
Sennheiser, AKG, Beyerdynamic, those are the kind of names you want
Speedlink Medusa NX
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