the X-MAS is coming lolol
22 Dec 2009, 23:56
so let's talk about Easter.
so basically christians are celebrating fact that some bunch of jews sticked another jew to a cross and killed him and then they claim that he was resuerected and they are happy because the jew is not dead.
and in middle ages when like almost everyone was christian and stuff they were all very anti-jewish while their lord and saviour is a jew himself.
no DRAGONS, since it's serious business and I demand serious answers. also I'm bit tired so it may be a bit engrish.
btw Sup3r, you are is my idol!
so basically christians are celebrating fact that some bunch of jews sticked another jew to a cross and killed him and then they claim that he was resuerected and they are happy because the jew is not dead.
and in middle ages when like almost everyone was christian and stuff they were all very anti-jewish while their lord and saviour is a jew himself.
no DRAGONS, since it's serious business and I demand serious answers. also I'm bit tired so it may be a bit engrish.
btw Sup3r, you are is my idol!
So unless it starts raining bibles your logic fails you.
nice caring about things that stupid loelz
anyway, ppl have right to belive what they want... some belive in Jesus, other in Satan and others dont belive in deities at all
but jews & christians e.g. got same god and imo the allahguys 2
when a mate tells you a story, you reply "I belive" even if the story isnt logic and you werent a witness to it... noone if forcing you to belive... if you are 18 years old :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
So even if there are 150 books stating that god actually exsists, it still does not proof he exsists.
Faith has nothing to do with logic, the arche of logic sprung from the likes of Aristotle who was actually famous for denouncing religion.
As systems of knowledge belief and reason are fairly similar; they both generally require true premises. Again, I do not understand why you mention Aristotle in relation to athesism. Yes, he constructed logic, but in his Metaphysics he covers what can be understood through symbolic existence alone, including God. I am inclined to believe that you meant either Socrates or Plato as they were far more atheist than Aristotle, though the dialogues of the former (about Socrates, though written by Plato, and generally attributed to him too) discuss mysticism.
And yes emperical proof is invalid as far as my filosofy lessons taught me. Even if I trow 7 with 2 dice a million times it still doenst proof the next time it will be 7 again.
Afaik to some people god is simply an axion for not being able to clarify some shit with pure logic. Everyone in the educational system accepts the axions of modern sience(maths is based on 5 axions which logically can't be proven) but people acknowledge that these axions can't be proven.. You can't seem to accept the fact you believe in something you can't logically proof.
Next to that Plato doesn't have a lot to do with logic same goes for Socrates who was more about ethics then logic. But what all these philosophers managed is to let go of your "prescribed" reality and think up ideas for their own, something religious systems completely dissmiss as heracy
I am unsure, too, what you are trying to prove with your examples, or your suggestion that I 'can't seem to accept the fact believe in something you can't logically' prove. I actually embrace that uncertainty; I am a literature student after all! Theologically, I am neither atheist nor Christian, but from an intellectual perspective I find the latter far more satisfying. Your final assertion in this sense is problematic given that most religious systems actually embrace what you suggest Socrates, Plato and Aristotle forwarded – a metaphysical ontology, i.e. Heaven. I fail to see how it is heretical in any sense.
It might sound sketchy but I am not basing this on purely my own account, it is well known that most siences are based on axioms because otherwise they wouldn't be able to exsist.
If you know so much about philosophers then you also know most contradict each other so why would you yourself accept a truth that is not your own.
Why not just accept what you know to be true and not what you believe to be true?
What I meant by it is that I believe in the axioms of sience but I know them to be not true..
but imo the existence of world/universe and all the endless unbelievable great coincidences making life even possible for example is hard to explain w/o a higher being
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it's all about teh money.
I suggest you to be a muslim :>
Read the quran and you will find the true
If it does not work for Dostoevsky then why should it work for Jesus; in the sense that my opinion that he is a bright red dragon would be disregarded? People's argumentation when it comes to conceptions of faith are utterly bizarre and, generally, a waste of time. If you do not believe in Christianity then just leave it at that.
Myself, I have no religion cause I heard god was made up by people to believe in something not from this world.
But I have almost none information about god so who am I to speak.
I also find it sad that people who do believe in a religion try to get people who dont believe in god to believe in god and follow their entire life to god's rules, what's in my oppinion written in bibble's books etc.
By the way no offence to all human, this is just my oppinion.
If anyone feels angry about my post, send a pm or reply on it, And I will delete it.
Im a christian and I find it funny when people like you actually make fun of religion yet know so little about it.
But since you are all about proof , show me all the proof that confirms evolution is 100% correct. What your saying is that one huge explosion from a particle the size of a sand spec created all our solar systems and planets, and all of the intricacies within them? Then life started with a single cell and evolved into all types of plants and animals with all kinds of organs etc? Theres a lot more that could be said in this case. But go look it up on the internet or watch some videos. Evolution is FAR from proven, and many of darwins points and ideas from other evolutionists have been disproved repeatedly. The media still treats evolution like its a fact when it isn't.
So if evolution is wrong, and religion is wrong, lets here your explain smart guy?
Also why do you care if you were baptised? If you don't believe in god this means absolutely nothing? How has it affected you in life ?
Now i'll stop there before my rant ends up 2 pages long making you look like a dumb nerdy faggot who has no knowledge of religion, science, or anything other than videogames.(which youre probably bad at too)
"Today the god hypothesis has ceased to be scientifically tenable ... and its abandonment often brings a deep sense of relief. Many people assert that this abandonment of the god hypothesis means the abandonment of all religion and all moral sanctions. This is simply not true. But it does mean, once our relief at jettisoning an outdated piece of ideological furniture is over, that we must construct some thing to take its place."
I find this particular quote appropriate.
Funny thing you religious people talk about proof, yet there is no substantial proof that God exist... And "the origins of species" is actually a great book, and it has been proved that Darwin was absolutely right even in his time. With the current technology we can witness Molecular Biology with our own eyes, and know how DNA works in our bodies. Evolution is happening right in front of our eyes, your sight is blinded by an old fairy tail, like millions of other people.
there is no proof either way and religion is about faith not proof
X-mas is a reason to drink
Easter is a reason to eat chocolate and drink
no further questions?