Honline Only

Yesterday I fell in love with this Glacious faggot. Really nice guy to play, me and predator were owning and freefarming our lane, won 4vs5 :D Anyway, time for another epic Hon journal:

What is your favourite laning partner?
Maliken + Demented Shaman
And explain why you think they pown in no less than 10 words!
wtf xD??????????
everyone if they know what they are doing
Doesn't matter, aslong you got kraken on your team, you will always win.
as long as i dont have to be laning together with Sweden slajdan, im happy.
behemoth+nymphora, demented+predator
Armadon + Glacius (kill their creep wave, endlessly slow them and your creeps will help you kill them. also, a fed Armadon = game over)
Demented Shaman + Legionnaire (farm their creeps in between their towers at top, if there are too many ranged, you can still harass like a motherfucker in the lane)
Electrician + Demented Shaman (elec grips x near the creeps, x dies)

Screw the 10 words rule!
Oh, and Glacius + Slither, but Slither's dominance early game can be coupled with anyone with a nuke.
what about the epic electrician + voodoo jester me and wiadro had :D
They're sick too, but I was listing my favourites. ;_;
tempest + accuserd
swift and polly for does early kills
thunderbringer + thunderbringer
and go play SD u noob
earlygame elec and swift
i'd prefer polly since he has a follow-up nuke, and this is probably the most common combo
whatever, i roll with any hero :PP
Stunning melee if I'm ranged , ranged player with 500 radius atleast when I'm melee :).

Although you didn't ask whose your worst lane mate , I'd say magebane and/or wildsoul!
wildsou&bigbadboobool should be @jungle, not laning
I know that , still his shit mate since you gotta fight 2 at top/bottom yourself.
You XP and gold a lot faster, It's an advantage. As long as you're cautious enough not to feed.
nah having 2 solo lanes rocks
HoN bored me in 3 weeks. Those were 2 month ago.
elec + swift = ownage.
magmus - behe/polly = lets whine beggin
Keeper of the light and phantom lancer is a good lane. Cause then pl can farm and harrash at same time which is needed for mid and late game.
heimerdinger + alistar = unbeatable on lane
Swift/Chronos + Scout/Madman/Arachna

or as we like to call it:

The Dave and Dean show

Never fails
any healer 8) always good !
archer and legionaire would make a good couple

legio taunt
archer stun

something like that
I say Night hound and scout :P:P:P:P so great lane works kill alot players :P:P:P skilled heroes :P:P:P
deadwood+pollywog priest


puppet master+predator
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