best day ever

masculine mans wish you a merry christmas <3 :)

merry christmas maaans
thanks bro

same to you
thanks and merry christmas do MM :)
remember roni > mm :)
merry yule!
merry chrismas
awww so kind <3
just chillin with bro and 2 special friends so for once i wont have a shit xmas day with grandparents that make you feel like you accidentally swallowed 1kg of valium but you must stay awake in a marathon of polite, semi-conscious, semi-social engagement.
i jizzed on ur grandma
its alright she wouldnt remember if it happened more than 5mins ago
Hyvää Joulua
image: christmas_ho_t_shirt-p235938574538536984qiuw_400

Merry Christmas!
happy hannuka
Thanks, but you finnish nerds should go out and see that shops are still open, which probably means Christmas is in 2 days.

Happy New Year by the way. Oh wait.
xmas is tomorrow. why cant he wish happy xmas today, zlol?
cool picture man
MM sera trop occupée à prac pour leur showmatch de charité du 24 décembre pour avoir le temps de poster ce journal, noraj esport a++
happy x-mas
like anyone from mm have families ... lol
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